WTF???? Is this true?
Magic Mormon Underwear
by whereami 7 Replies latest jw friends
yes it is! very sexy undergarments! but you have to be special to wear it!
Watchtowers Witnesses
What's so crazy about magicial underpants? Joseph Smith stole a lot of the ideas for his "secret temple ceremonies" from the Masons. It would be laughable except for the fact that millions of people still believe the crap he made up.
are u sure to wear it??
There are different sects of Mormons. They don't all do this. The ones I know do not wear magic mormon underwear. (as far as I know, of course, but those things would be pretty hard to hid under a t-shirt and shorts)
Justitia Themis
Mainstream Mormons wear the "garments." I lived in Salt Lake for five years, and my nephew there got married just a couple of weekends ago. You get the garments only if you are a "worthy" couple who can be married in a temple.
It was strange seeing his garments peek out from underneath his cut-offs when he was sitting in the van on the way to the old looking for a 24 year old.
Mormons will tell you stories of people being in fires where their extremities were burned but no area covered by the garments, and they attribute this to the miraculous power of the garments.
When my brother left the JWs, he became a Mormon. He wore the garments, as did his Mormon wife. When he quit attending the Mormon church, he gave them back the garments out of respect.
He told me it was a modesty issue.
St. Ann
Think About It
You gotta be shittin' me!
Think About It