The Apostatization of JWN

by laverite 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • laverite

    Has anyone written a history or provided a good overview on how JWN developed over the years, the apostatization/apostatisation of the website and Simon? It was interesting to see the Plan thread that Simon wrote 10 years ago. I've caught some glimpses here and there, but I'd love to get my hands (eyes) on a history of this site. Any threads on this that anyone knows?

    Merci bcp,

    ~La Vérité

  • AudeSapere

    Simon wrote a three- or four-part series on how JWD came to be and of the meetings the his local elders had with him about it.

    A year and a half ago, the site was changed to JWN.

    I don't know if there is full history/summation anywhere of the major contributors and events and scandals along the way.

    I'll look to find links to Simon's story.


  • AudeSapere

    I can't find the threads. Wonder if they were moved????


  • AudeSapere

    Found it!!! And there's an update, too that I missed last summer.

    Here is link to the last installment. Click on it and you will find links to Parts 1 through 4.

    Good Read.


  • laverite


    Thank you so much. I've readthe entire thing now and it was well worth the read! What an interesting story Simon has!

    Something he wrote that really struck a chord with me:

    "Everytime people get together, everytime someone shares their life story, everytime someon feels safe to ask a question or simply to read what other people have written - it's a little chip appearing in the WTS armour, a little mortar in their walls crumbling. Long may it continue."

    I have been thinking exactly that. As we share our stories and our life experiences, we tell the world what it's really like to be a JW, to grow up a JW and the hurt and pain the WTBTS can cause.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    I have not been on here long enough to have even seen part 5 posted...

    SIMON: Thankyou from the bottom of my heart for keeping this site running. Without it and the people on it, i really do not think i would have made the journey i have, from a 12 year apologist to an 'apostate'.

    Thankyou to your wife for her obvious support and devotion to you and your familiy's happiness, you must find her an incredible person. What ever you do, i wish you well, and hope that should you ever log off, that others will keep this site running... It may well mean real life to many yet to come.


    Aussie Oz

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