So last Saturday I had my first non-witness social event. It wasn't anything big, a young couple who just recently moved into my apt bldg invited me over. We met a couple days after they moved in and I helped them out as they got themselves locked out at 11 pm at night. So I came over and watched a movie, had pizza, played some videogames and played a stupid boring board game. But it was AWESOME!!! It was normal, decent, wholesome association/fun. Nothing like what the WT portrays: evil, wicked, satan-controlled people who will lead you astray and cause you to drift. Such lies!!!
I must admit I was quite aprehensive at first as I really had no idea what to expect. But I just tried to be myself and kept reminding myself not to judge, I can't believe how many times I caught myself popping back into witness mode. Ugghhhck! Here all these months I've been wallowing and feeling lonely cuz my witness "friends" won't hang out with me cuz I'm not out selling their cookies and going to brain-washing sessions, when there's a whole wide world of friendly people out there. I just wish I would've done it sooner. Maybe we'll go watch a movie next time.
Jedi Master