I was watching a documentary the other week on a notorious crime boss from the 50s into the 80s.
One part of the story was from his son (by his wife) and the other from his daughter (by his mistress).
What struck me was that the daughter was totally unable to see that her 'daddy' was some sort of criminal. No matter what evidence there was from media, courts and witnesses to the cruel deeds of this man.
Her half brother was simply lying for some reasons only known to him, some hidden agenda she did not know.
Because she had only ever seen and experienced his loving side, it was not possible for her to consider anything else.
This got me thinking:
If a JW has only ever seen and experienced loving elders, guidance and a really happy JW upbringing, only known the 'good side' (and i am sure there are quite a few that have had charmed lives) Then it will impossible for them to even conceive the notion that there is a 'bad side'.
On the flip side, If a JW has only experienced hitler elders, abuse and seen only double standards and lies, then they too will be unable to see the 'good side' for want of a better word. Not that i am sure there IS a 'good side' but it is the only words i could think of to explain what i mean... if you know what i mean!
What think you?