Its Peculiar Location.
The Great Pyramid is situated on an elevated rocky plain, overlooking the river Nile, not far from the city of Cairo, in Egypt. A remarkable thing in connection with its situation is, that the delta of the Nile forms a seacoast which in shape is a true quarter circle, with the Great Pyramid marking the inner angle. This relationship of the Great Pyramid to the coast was discovered by Mr. Henry Mitchell, Chief Hydrographer of the United States Coast Survey, who visited Egypt in 1868 to report the progress of the Suez Canal. His observation of the regularity of the curvature along the whole of Egypt’s northern coast led him to conclude that some central point of physical origination was indicated. On searching for this grand center, he found it marked by the Great Pyramid, which led him to exclaim: “That monument stands in a more important physical situation than any other building erected by man.”…… Built upon the northernmost edge of the Gizeh cliff, and looking out over this sector, or open fan-shaped land of Lower Egypt, it may be truly said to be at the very border thereof, as well as in its nominal center, as described by the prophet Isaiah. “In that day shall there be an altar to the Lord in the midst of the land
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of Egypt, and a pillar [pyramid] at the border thereof, to the Lord. And it shall be for a sign and for a witness unto the Lord of hosts in the land of Egypt.” Another fact worthy of notice is that the Great Pyramid is located in the geographical center of the land surface of the world—including North and South America, unknown for centuries after the location and construction of the Great Pyramid.
The Great Pyramid speaks to us, not by hieroglyphics, nor by sketches, but only by its location, its construction and its measurements. The only original marks or figures found were in the “Construction Chambers” over the “King’s Chamber”; there are none whatever in the passages and rooms of the Pyramid proper… Suffice it, therefore, that we merely suggest the manner in which it teaches the scientist. For instance: The measure of the base of the four sides, at the level of the “sockets,” added, is found to be as many pyramid cubits as there are days in four years, to the fraction—including the leap year fraction. The measures diagonally across the base from northeast to southwest, and from northwest to southeast, added, give as many inches as there are years in the precessional cycle. This cycle astronomers had already concluded to be 25,827 years, and the Great Pyramid corroborates their conclusion. The distance to the sun it is claimed is indicated, by the height and angle of the Great Pyramid, to be 91,840,270 miles, which almost exactly corresponds with the latest figures reached by astronomers. Astronomers until recently had calculated
this distance to be from ninety to ninety-six millions of miles, their latest calculation and conclusion being ninety-two millions. The Great Pyramid has also its own way of indicating the most correct standard of all weights and measures, based upon the size and weight of the earth, which it is also claimed to indicate… Commenting upon the scientific testimony and the location of this majestic “Witness,” Rev. Joseph Seiss, D.D. suggests:
“There is a yet grander thought embodied in this wonderful structure. Of its five points there is one of special pre-eminence, in which all its sides and exterior lines terminate. It is the summit corner, which lifts its solemn index finger to that sun at midday, and by its distance from the base tells the mean distance to that sun from the earth. And if we go back to the date which the Pyramid gives itself and look for what that finger pointed to at midnight, we find a far sublimer indication. Science has at last discovered that the sun is not a dead center, with planets wheeling about it, and itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the sun also is in motion, carrying with it its splendid retinue of comets, planets, its satellites and theirs, around some other and vastly mightier center. Astronomers are not yet fully agreed as to what or where that center is. Some, however, believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars. To the distinguished German astronomer, Prof. J. H. Maedler, belongs the honor of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science has been able to perceive, would seem to be ‘the midnight throne’ in which the whole system of gravitation has its central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe. And here is the wonderful corresponding fact, that at the date of the Great Pyramid’s building, at midnight of the autumnal equinox, and hence the true beginning of the year* as still preserved in the traditions of many nations, the Pleiades were distributed
over the meridian of this Pyramid, with Alcyone (A Tauri) precisely on the line. Here, then, is a pointing of the highest and sublimest character that mere human science has ever been able so much as to hint, and which would seem to breathe an unsuspected and mighty meaning into that speech of God to Job, when he demanded, ‘Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades?’“
While every feature of the Great Pyramid’s teaching is important and of interest, our greatest interest centers in its silent but eloquent symbolism of the plan of God—the Plan of the Ages… In this aspect of its teaching, the Great Pyramid, viewed from without, has a beautiful significance, representing the plan of God completed, as it shall be at the end of the Millennial age. The crowning feature will be Christ, the acknowledged Head over all; and each other stone will be fitly framed into the glorious building, complete and perfect. All this chiseling, polishing and fitting process will then be completed, and all will be bound and cemented together, to each other and to the Head, with love. If the Great Pyramid, as a whole, represents the plan of God complete, its top corner-stone should represent Christ, whom God hath highly exalted to be Head over all. And that it does represent Christ is indicated, not only by its exact fitness as a symbol of Christ,* but also by numerous references to the symbol by
prophets and apostles and by our Lord Jesus himself. Isaiah (28:16) refers to Christ as the “precious corner-stone.” Zechariah (4:7) refers to its placement at the top of the completed edifice, with great rejoicing, saying, “He shall bring forth the head-stone thereof with shoutings, crying, ‘Grace, grace unto it.’“ Doubtless when the head-stone of the Great Pyramid was laid there was great rejoicing among the builders and all interested in it, to see this crowning feature of the finished work. Job also (38:6,7) speaks of the rejoicing when the chief corner-stone was laid, and he specifies the head, or crowning corner-stone, by mentioning the other four corner-stones first, saying, “Whereupon are the socket-stones made to sink? or who laid the corner-stone thereof, when the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy?” (See margin.) The Prophet David, too, refers to our Lord, and uses a figure of speech exactly corresponding to that of this stone “Witness” of Egypt. He says, prophetically, from the standpoint of the future, “The stone which the builders rejected is become the head-corner-stone. This is Jehovah’s doing. It is marvelous in our eyes. This is the day [the Millennial day of Christ’s glory as the Head and Ruler of the world] which Jehovah hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.” (Psa. 118:22-24) Fleshly Israel failed to accept Christ as their head-stone, and hence were rejected from being the special house of God—Spiritual Israel instead being built up into Christ the Head. And we remember that our Lord applied this very prophecy to himself, and showed that he was the rejected stone, and that Israel, through their builders, the priests and Pharisees were the rejecters. Matt. 21:42, 44; Acts 4:
The pyramid figure represents perfection and completeness, and speaks to us in symbol of the plan of God, showing that “in the dispensation of the fullness of times, he will gather together [into one harmonious family, though on different planes of being], under one Head, all things in heaven and on earth, under Christ”—all not being conformable being cut off. Eph. 1:10; 2:20- 22—Diaglott
But while the outward testimony of this great structure is thus complete, and in accord with God’s written revelation, its inner construction is even more wonderful. While its outward form illustrates the completed results of God’s Plan of Redemption,* the inner construction marks and illustrates every prominent feature of that plan as it has developed from age to age, down to its glorious and complete consummation. Here the stones upon the various levels or planes represent the perfection of all who, under Christ Jesus our Head, shall become conformed to God’s perfect will,
as we have already seen from Scripture testimony. Some will be perfected on the human plane and some on the spiritual and divine planes or natures. Thus the floor of the “King’s Chamber” is described as being on the fiftieth course of masonry, that of the “Queen’s Chamber” on the twenty-fifth course, and the lower end of the “First Ascending Passage,” if extended by the “Plug,” as will presently be shown, would reach down to the basal line of the Pyramid. Thus from its base-line upward the Great Pyramid seems to stand as an emblem of God’s plan of salvation, or lifting up out of sin and death, provided for all mankind. The base-line thus corresponds with the date of the confirmation of God’s promise to typical Israel—the beginning of the uplifting or saving process. A careful study of the accompanying diagram, showing the interior arrangement of this wonderful structure, is suggested. The Great Pyramid has but one proper “Entrance Passage.” This passage is regular, but low and slanting, and leads down to a little room or “Subterranean Chamber,” cut in the rock. This room is of peculiar construction, the ceiling being well finished, while the sides are only commenced and the bottom is rough and unfinished. This to some minds has suggested the thought, “bottomless pit,” which term is used in the Scriptures to represent disaster, oblivion and extinction. This “Entrance Passage” fitly represents the present downward course of mankind toward destruction; while the “Subterranean Chamber,” by its peculiar construction, illustrates the great trouble, disaster, destruction, the “wages of sin,” to which the downward course leads. The “First Ascending Passage” is of about the same size as the “Entrance Passage,” from which it branches off. It is small, low and difficult of ascent, but opens at its upper end into a large, elegant hallway, called the “Grand
Gallery,” the ceiling of which is at seven times the height of the passages leading to it. The low “Ascending Passage” is supposed to represent the Law dispensation, and Israel as a nation, from the going out of Egypt. There they left the nations of the world and their downward course, to be God’s holy nation and under his law—proposing thenceforth to walk an upward and more difficult path than that of the heathen world, viz., to keep the Law. The “Grand Gallery” is understood to represent the period of the Gospel call—still upward and difficult, but not hampered as that behind it. The loftiness and greater width of this passageway well represent the grander hopes and greater liberties of the Christian dispensation.
On a level with the floor of the “Grand Gallery” at its lower end, there starts a “Horizontal Passage” under it, which leads to a little room commonly termed the “Queen’s Chamber.” At the upper end of the “Grand Gallery” is another low passageway, leading into a little room called the “Ante-Chamber” which is of very peculiar construction, and which to some has suggested the idea of a school—a place for instruction and testing.
It has been speculated by some that there are yet other rooms and passages for future discovery; but we do not share this opinion; to us it seems that the passages and rooms already discovered fully serve the divinely intended purpose in witnessing to the entire plan of God.
In a letter to Prof. Smyth, Mr. Robert Menzies, the young Scotsman who first suggested the religious or Messianic feature of the Great Pyramid’s teaching, said: “From the north beginning of the Grand Gallery, in upward progression, begin the years of our Savior’s life, expressed at the rate of an inch to a year. Three and thirty inch-years, therefore, bring us right over against the mouth of the Well.” Yes, that “Well” is the key, so to speak, to the whole story. It represents not only our Lord’s death and burial, but also his resurrection. This last is shown by the feature already noted, that the mouth of the “Well” and its surroundings look as though an explosion had burst it open from beneath. Thus our Lord burst the bonds of death, thereby bringing life and immortality to light-- opening up a new way to life. (Heb. 10:20) It was not possible for him to be holden of death (Acts 2:24), is the seeming language of the torn rocks surrounding the upper opening of this “Well.” As the “Well” was the only way of access to each of these upward passages of the Great Pyramid, so by the death and resurrection of our Redeemer is the only avenue to life on any plane for the fallen race. As the “First Ascending Passage” was there, but impassable, so the Jewish or Law Covenant stood as a way to or offer of life, but a useless or impassable way to life: none of the fallen race ever could or ever did reach life by walking its prescribed course. “By the deeds of the law shall no flesh be justified” to life. (Rom. 3:20) That, which the “Well” symbolizes
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viz., the ransom, is the only way by which any member of the condemned race can reach the grand provision of the divine plan—lasting life. Years before this suggestion, that the “Grand Gallery” represents the Christian dispensation, Prof. Smyth had, by astronomical observation, fixed the date of the building of the Pyramid at B.C. 2170; and when Mr. Menzies suggested that the floor-line inches of the “Grand Gallery” represent years, it occurred to some one that, if that theory were true, the measuring of the floor-line backward from the lower edge of the “Grand Gallery,” down the “First Ascending Passage” to its junction with the “Entrance Passage” and thence upward along the “Entrance Passage” toward the Pyramid’s entrance, should discover some mark or indication in the passageway to correspond, and thus prove the date of the Pyramid’s construction, and the correctness of the inch-year theory. This, though not unreasonable, was a crucial test, and the service of a civil engineer was obtained to visit the Great Pyramid again and make very accurate measurements of passages, chambers, etc. This was in 1872; and the report of this gentleman was confirmatory to the last degree. His measurements show the floor-line just described to be 2170 1/2 inches to a very finely ruled line in the walls of the “Entrance Passage.” Thus the date of its construction is doubly attested, while the floor-lines of its passages are shown to be scrolls of history and chronology, which shall yet be generally heard as “a witness unto the Lord in the land of Egypt.”…. When we first came to appreciate what we have already mentioned of the testimony of the Great Pyramid, we said.
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at once, If this, indeed, prove to be a Bible in stone; if it be a record of the secret plans of the Great Architect of the universe, displaying his foreknowledge and wisdom; it should and will be in full accord with his written Word. The fact that the Pyramid’s secrets were kept until the close of six thousand years of the world’s history, but that it now begins to give its testimony as the Millennial Dawn draws on, is in perfect harmony with the written Word, whose abundant testimony relative to the glorious plan of God has likewise been kept secret from the foundation of the world, and only now is beginning to shine forth in its completeness and glory… The Scriptural time-proofs which we have considered show that this trouble was due to date from the time of Christ’s Second Advent (October, 1874), when the judging of the nations would commence, under the enlightening influences of the Day of the Lord. This is shown in the Great Pyramid thus: The “Descending Passage,” from the entrance of the Great Pyramid, leading to the “Pit” or “Subterranean Chamber,” represents the course of the world in general (under the prince of this world), into the great time of trouble (the “Pit”), in which evil shall be brought to an
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end. The measuring of this period and determining when the pit of trouble shall be reached are easy enough if we have a definite date—a point in the Pyramid from which to start. We have this date-mark in the junction of the “First Ascending Passage” with the “Grand Gallery.” That point marks the birth of our Lord Jesus, as the “Well,” 33 inches farther on, indicates his death. So, then, if we measure backward down the “First Ascending Passage” to its junction with the” Entrance Passage,” we shall have a fixed date to mark upon the downward passage. This measure is 1542 inches, and indicates the year B.C. 1542, as the date at that point. Then measuring down the “Entrance Passage” from that point, to find the distance to the entrance of the “Pit,” representing the great trouble and destruction with which this age is to close, when evil will be overthrown from power, we find it to be 3457 inches, symbolizing 3457 years from the above date, B.C. 1542. This calculation shows A.D. 1915 as marking the beginning of the period of trouble; for 1542 years B.C. plus 1915 years A.D. equals 3457 years. Thus the Pyramid witnesses that the close of 1914 will be the beginning of the time of trouble such as was not since there was a nation—no, nor ever shall be afterward. And thus it will be noted that this “Witness” fully corroborates the Bible testimony on this subject, as shown by the “Parallel Dispensations” in Scripture Studies, Vol. II, Chap. VII. Nor should any doubt the fact that the forty years of “harvest” began in the fall of 1874 because the trouble has not yet reached so portentous and unendurable a stage; and because, in some respects, the “harvest” period since that date has been one of great advancement in knowledge. Remember, too, that the Great Pyramid figures and illustrations including the diagram of the “Pit” were drafted by Prof. Smyth without any reference to this application.
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The shape and finish of this lowest room or “Pit” are peculiarly significant. While the top and parts of the sides are regular, it has no floor—its rough, unfinished bottom dropping lower and lower to its eastern side, giving reason for the name, “Bottomless Pit,” sometimes applied to it. This room speaks of liberty and freedom as well as of trouble, of elevation as well as of degradation; for, as the traveler reaches it, cramped and weary from the crouched position enforced by the smallness of the “Entrance Passage,” he here finds not only a step downward into greater depths, and upon “a troublesome floor,” very uneven and broken, but he finds a great elevation also, part of this room being much more lofty than the passageway to it, which is suggestive of greatly enlarged room for his mental organism. How true this is to facts, too. Can we not already see that the spirit of liberty has reached the masses of civilized nations? We do not pause here to consider the consistencies and inconsistencies of the liberties being felt and claimed by the masses—both are suggested in this room by the elevation of the top and the depression of the bottom: we merely note the fact that the light of our day—the Day of the Lord—induces the spirit of liberty; and the spirit of liberty, coming in contact with the pride, wealth and power of those still in control, will be the cause of the trouble which the Scriptures assure us will eventually be very great. Though as yet it has scarcely begun, kings and emperors and statesmen and capitalists, and all men, see it coming, and” men’s hearts are failing them for fear, and for looking after the things coming”; for the powers of the heavens are being shaken, and shall ultimately be removed. The evil systems—civil, social and religious—of “the present evil world” will there sink into oblivion, into destruction, which the subterranean chamber or “Pit” also symbolizes.
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For we regard the “Pit” as not only a symbol of the overwhelming trouble which will involve the present order of things in an overthrow and destruction (because of their inconsistency with the better order of things to be established under God’s Kingdom), but also as a symbol of the certain end of every being who continues to pursue the downward course, and who, under the full enlightenment of the Millennial age, will refuse to break off his sins and pursue righteousness.
Notice another item in this connection: The “Entrance Passage” has a regular slope downward until it nears the “Pit,” when it ceases to slope and runs horizontally. Measuring backward from the entrance of the subterranean chamber or “Pit” to the juncture of the horizontal with the angling portion of the passage, we find the distance to be 324 inches; consequently, the beginning of the level portion of the passage marks a date 324 years before 1915, viz., the year 1590. This would seem to say that at that date (A.D. 1591) something transpired which had a great influence upon the course of civilization, and which in some measure arrested its downward tendency. What transpired at that time? What great movement, marked by that date, has had such an influence?
Unfortunately we find no exact measurements of this portion of this downward passage and we are convinced that Prof. Smyth’s diagrams are not sufficiently accurate to justify confidence in “paper measurements” based upon them. An unconfirmed measurement is 324 Py. inches, which measured backward, would indicate about the year A.D. 1590, or “Shakespeare’s day.” However, we attach no weight to this suggestion.
One thing is certain—that low downward passage represents the course of the world, as the upward passages represent the course for the “called” Church. The change from a downward to a horizontal path would therefore seem to imply moral or political enlightenment, or favorable restraint from the downward course.
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But while the above measurements were giving their harmonious testimonies, another measurement seemed quite out of harmony with the Bible account; viz., that of the “First Ascending Passage,” which presumably represented the period from the time of Israel’s exodus from Egypt to the birth of our Lord Jesus.* The Bible account of the time, as already given, + we could not doubt, having demonstrated
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its correctness in so many ways. It showed the time from the exodus from Egypt to the year A.D. 1 to be exactly 1614 years, while the floor-line of the “First Ascending Passage” measures only 1542 inches. Then, again, we knew beyond a doubt, from the words of our Lord and the prophets, that the Law age, and the “favor” to Israel after the flesh, did not cease at the birth of Jesus, but three and a half years after his death, at the close of their seventy weeks of favor, A.D. 36.* This would make the period from the exodus to the full end of their favor (1614 plus 36) equal 1650 years. And though, in a sense, the grandeur and blessing of the new dispensation began at the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:10-14, 25-38), yet the Great Pyramid should, in some way, indicate the full length of Israel’s favor. This we finally found to be most ingeniously shown. The granite “Plug” proved to be the exact length to fill out this period to the very limit. Then we knew why that “Plug” was so securely fixed that none had succeeded in displacing it. The great
Master-Builder had placed it there to stay, that we might hear its testimony today corroborating the Bible, as to both its plan and its chronology.
In measuring this passage with its “Plug,” we should consider it as though it were a telescope, with the “Plug” drawn out until the upper end reaches the place originally marked by the lower end of it. The distance downward from the north entrance of the “Grand Gallery” to the lower end of the granite “Plug” is 1470 inches, to which if we add the length of the “Plug,” 179 inches, we have a total of 1649 inches, representing 1649 years; and the one inch-year of difference between this and the 1650 years shown by the Bible chronology of that period is easily accounted for when we remember that one end of this granite “Plug” had been considerably chipped by those who endeavored
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to force it from its fixed position in the passageway. Thus, exactly, does the stone “Witness” corroborate the testimony of the Bible, and show that the period from the exodus of Israel from Egypt until the full end of their national favor,* A.D. 36, was 1650 years. But let none confound this period with the period shown in the Parallels of the Jewish and Christian dispensations— showing the two ages to be each 1845 years in length, the one from the death of Jacob to A.D. 33, and the other from A.D. 33 to A.D. 1878. And not only was this an ingenious way of hiding and yet furnishing the length of the period from the exodus to the birth of our Lord (to be, in due time, a corroboration of the Bible testimony), but the careful reader will readily see that it could have been done only in some such way, for two reasons: First, because the Jewish dispensation and favor not only began at the death of Jacob, before the exodus from Egypt, but also ran into and parallel to the Christian dispensation for the thirty-three years of our Lord Jesus’ earthly life; and, second, because to have made the “First Ascending Passage” long enough to represent fully the Jewish age in year-inches would have necessitated the making of the Pyramid still larger, which in turn would have destroyed its scientific features and lessons. Let us now examine the “Grand Gallery,” at the end of the “First Ascending Passage,” noting also its symbolic testimony. It is seven times as high as the “First Ascending Passage.” It has seven courses of overlapping stones in its walls, of smooth, highly polished and once beautiful, cream-colored limestone. It is twenty-eight feet high, though very narrow, being only six feet broad anywhere, but contracted to three feet at the floor and less at the roof.
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What a wonderful illustration is given in this “Grand Gallery” of the course of the true Christian Church and of the path of the little flock of over comers during the long
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period of the Gospel age. Its once beautiful, cream-white walls and ceiling, formed of regular overlapping stones, all sloping upward, give not the history of the nominal Church, as some have supposed—else they would be far from regular and upward—but they tell of God’s great favor bestowed during the Gospel age, the “high calling” to certain liberties and privileges, offered conditionally to all the justified during the Gospel age, opened up by the Well—the ransom.
The lofty height of this “Grand Gallery”—seven times the height of the passage representing the Jewish dispensation (seven being a symbol of completeness or fulness)—represents that fullness of blessing contained in the Abrahamic promise, which is actually set before the Gospel Church. The “King’s Chamber,” at the end of the “Grand Gallery,” represents the end of the race to which the present high calling leads all the faithful; and this “King’s Chamber,” as we shall shortly see, is a most apt symbol of the ultimate destiny of the Church. By the “Well” (which represents the ransom), at the very entrance of this Gallery, and which all must recognize who enter upon this way, our justification is beautifully symbolized. Thus the Great Pyramid tells us, “There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus.”
The apparently interminable length of the “Grand Gallery” shows how long the Gospel age has appeared to individual members of the Church, while its narrowness well represents the “narrow way to life”; and its steepness, the difficulty with which the way is pursued, and the continual danger of backsliding to those who fail to watch vigilantly their steps. Yet, within the confines of these walls of divine favor is the safety and security of all those who continue in well-doing, who continue to grow in grace, to ascend the difficult way, to “walk not after the flesh, but after the spirit.”