I'm sure you've heard married Witnesses say things like "I wish I had stayed single longer." Usually they say that in reference to "serving Jehovah more fully". If you are a wife or a child of someone who has ever said that, how does that make you feel? Doesn't that pretty much means he regrets marrying you? Doesn't that mean he regrets having children? Granted, that may not be case but that's how it comes off to me. Anybody else feel that way?
Something I've always wondered
by MrFreeze 5 Replies latest jw friends
It's a weird thing for someone to say if married and/or has children.
Oh but I've heard it said plenty of times. Especially the ones who try to get you to stay single.
Maybe not regrets........just musings that are designed to make the person sound more 'spiritual' to the audience she/he is trying to impress.
Witness 007
An Elder with 6 kid's said this at our assembly.....very encouraging experience.......maybe not for his boy's and wife though!!
An Elder with 6 kid's said this at our assembly.....very encouraging experience.......maybe not for his boy's and wife though!!
Wow. Just wow.