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Of late my dear uncle, a stoic Dub of 50 years has become a fad dieter.
His obsession with WTS tripe over the years seems to have given way quite a lot.
He's now eating all sorts of weird and wonderful foods and shunning™ many foods which are tasty and nutritious. He has lapped them up for years but now they’re poison to him.
I have to say I have never seen anyone so obsessive about what they eat, not bodybuilders, sportspeople or anyone. He was before a very healthy individual. Now he’s gaunt and out of sorts.
Have any of you seen Dubs go down this route? It’s as though as his faith dilutes with passing flip flops, he’s looking for something else to immerse himself in. Food and how we treat it and relate to it can be so telling of what’s going on in our minds.
To cap it all I stare at the irony. Live simply, eat basic foodstuffs, accept you may die pre Armageddon™ but you’ll get a nice healthy young body (your own that is!) in Paradise Earth®
Why should any Dub sweat about what certain foods are doing to them? What is happening to him I wonder?
Oh and talking about it to him is as hard as talking about The Truth.™
Any thoughts welcome.