"To be honest I think most people talk to themselves outloud.......or is it just me ..."
"To be honest I think it's just you... I only talk to my pets and sometimes to my imaginary friend - never mind. ..."
Not to jerk this thread too far off-topic, but...
I talk to my car... and yell at my computer...
As for the "soliloquies" at the District Convention... I heard that Fred Franz used to walk around Bethel, giving soliloquies to his shoes...
I think it's a "drama queen" thing... Also, yet another way to 'talk down' to the Rank&File - I always found the "soliloquies" at the CCs and the DCs to be banal, repetitive regurgitations of WTBTS propaganda... "OOH! There's 'Brother Questioning-the-Troooth'! Should I talk to him, even though he hasn't been disfellowshipped yet, for not attending every meeting?? I must be a FAITHFUL Witness of "Jehovah", or I'LL end up in a Judicial Committee myself!!"
I really wouldn't have compared the Watchtower's scripted "soliloquies" to Shakespeare, but that's just me...