Assembly Halls

by Juan Viejo2 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Can I get some updated info about the Assembly Halls owned or leased by the JWs?

    Is this just a USA practice, or are they doing this everywhere now?

    Who owns the halls? The local Circuit or District - or WT HQ? Who actually holds the titles?

    Who pays for the utilities and general upkeep?

    Are they used for anything else besides Circuit Assemblies? How many Circuits might share a AH, or does each one have a Hall of their own?

    Do they ever get rented out to other non-Witness groups for special occasions?

    What are they used for during the off-seasons when there are no assemblies scheduled?

    Have the JWs abandoned the use of public facilities (convention halls, community auditoriums, local ball parks) everywhere?

    Are all of these halls exempt from property taxes?

    I noticed that a couple in Southern California are in Industrial Parks? Where does everyone park?

    I also read that some of them have apartments that can be used by Circuit, District or traveling Overseers? Do they all have that arrangement? Is this how they provide housing for a CO and DO now?

    If there are apartments, and the building is in an area zoned for commercial or industrial use, how do they get around local housing restrictions (mixing residential with commercial)?

    The first real Assembly Hall I was aware of was in Los Angeles, CA back in the mid-1970s. They bought up the old Leimert Theatre across from Leimert Park in the Crenshaw District. Was a questionable neighborhood, with a lot of muggings, break-ins and car theft. Does anyone know if that building still owned by the JWs?

  • WTWizard

    I went to an empty A$$embly Hell, with a family of witlesses, on Christmas Day 1991. It just sat there, empty, and I imagine the people were doing a deep cleaning and maintenance (though I did not see any of that myself).


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