"They are so long so that the WTS can insert a doctrinal change, regarding something like the Generation, when everyone is so fatigued that they don't take it in..."
Yup. What Can'tLeave - and Nelly - said and indicated. If the WTBTS' aim was truly EDUCATION, the sessions would be conducive to actual learning...
But look at one of the hallmarks of a cult.
" Cults will often restrict the diet and sleep of members, possibly in an effort to hamper normal, rational thought processing. ..." And - "assignment of monotonous tasks or repetitive activities..." And - "Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue - Creating disorientation and vulnerability by prolonging mental and physical activity without adequate rest and sleep..." [From http://www.upalumni.org/medschool/appendices/appendix-36.html]
Pushing people into a mind-numbing state of boredom and/or fatigue assists the implanting of "mind-control" behaviors and thoughts. It sure doesn't help people to think clearly...