Convention Questions - No.3

by IMHO 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • IMHO

    Why are the sessions so long?

    Most experts in business training, seminars or conferences will tell you the length of time someone can concentrate and take in information is a lot less than the 2-3hr session you get at conventions.

    Although I'm sure the convention planners believe standing to sing a song (and having to remain standing for announcements) is considered a break.

  • OnTheWayOut

    The sessions are so long because the members are so untrustworthy of following orders without constant re-indoctrination into the ways of the Watchtower. If they just went to those short Sunday and weeknight meetings without the long sessions at the assemblies and conventions, they would soon be deciding for themselves what the book of Micah means to us today. They might decide for themselves how to earn a living and they might be going on vacations to Disneyworld instead of to the assembly. Next thing you know, they would be wearing Mickey Mouse shirts instead of dork suits with name tags. Think of the anarchy. Oh how it causes the Governing Body members to lose sleep at night.

  • designs

    The modern Conventions are lightweight, the old one's were 7 days and the sessions ran into the night.

    Bunch of sissies.

  • booby

    the sessions are so long because they are idjuts.

  • Out at Last!
    Out at Last!

    The watchtower decision makers think that sitting and listening all day is relaxion. When you get to a hotel at night, you are supposed to recite interesting points from the day, go eat with your convention badges and siut or dress still on, and then play bible games if you still have time, because you are supposed to be in bed by 8:00 PM to get a good nights sleep to be prepared for the next days repeat bore fest.

  • nelly136

    seminars or conferences will tell you the length of time someone can concentrate and take in information is a lot less than the 2-3hr session you get at conventions.

    no thinking required

  • cantleave

    They are so long so that the WTS can insert a doctrinal change, regarding something like the Generation, when everyone is so fatigued that they don't take it in.

  • ziddina

    "They are so long so that the WTS can insert a doctrinal change, regarding something like the Generation, when everyone is so fatigued that they don't take it in..."

    Yup. What Can'tLeave - and Nelly - said and indicated. If the WTBTS' aim was truly EDUCATION, the sessions would be conducive to actual learning...

    But look at one of the hallmarks of a cult.

    " Cults will often restrict the diet and sleep of members, possibly in an effort to hamper normal, rational thought processing. ..." And - "assignment of monotonous tasks or repetitive activities..." And - "Sleep Deprivation and Fatigue - Creating disorientation and vulnerability by prolonging mental and physical activity without adequate rest and sleep..." [From]

    Pushing people into a mind-numbing state of boredom and/or fatigue assists the implanting of "mind-control" behaviors and thoughts. It sure doesn't help people to think clearly...


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