Of course I felt that way, to an extent, at one time. It's a sort of "depressurizing" you are going through as you escape the pressure of self-imposed submission to mind-control. In defense, your mind is compensating in the opposite direction to make sure this "doesn't happen again". Try to learn for yourself what it might mean to "feel normal" before defining your whole psychological existence around the Watchtower, whether for or against. Either way, you rotate around them (or anything outside you for that matter, also just as shaky a way to form an identity).
I did a mental experiment once: I imagined that all religions where just coping mechanisms for fragile minds which exist like wisps of delicate smoke inside the fagile containers of brain-pudding that we call our skulls. In a world like this, we all want to feel good about being here, or about hating being here, or WHATEVER we want, and we basically are as desperate and daily in our going about this as chimps climbing trees or ants gathering bits of food. In the end, we get what we get out of it, pass on what we pass on, then die a deep sleep of a death (one of the few things JW-ism has gotten correct in this hypothetical point of view). Remember, this is a hypothetical scenario, designed by you, without need of permission from anyone, because you are managing your own mind using all your present faculties, which are fair use as I see it (pretend that they are, as long as used in good faith, at the very least, or you limit your options drastically).
Ok, in that context, can you easily see how some of these rather sad yet tragically beautiful beings will sometimes agglutinate into groups so as to benefit from the consolation of suffering and celebrating together? Can you then see that like all bell-curve-shaped phenomena, some of these groups will be rather jacked-up awesome and some will be rather pathetic, cess-poolish kinds of affairs? Awesome cults/sects on one end, really shady/loserish ones on the other, and some big, massive, titanic, or just plain mid-sized/functional/economy ones in the middle. There will be odd ones, collector's ones, broken ones, scrapped ones, and you can imagine that many a part has been pulled from the scrapyard.
Okay, in this gloriously tragic affair, you have a limited amount of time to decide what you are going drive with through this entire life, however long or short, whatever the reality of it may or may not be in the end or on the most metaphysically inscrutible levels. Whatever "the" truth is, you are making this decision, that's for sure. Shouldn't you be in charge of that decision, shouldn't you make it well? Now look, you just traded in your old junky car, which you came to hate most things about, but now you are on foot and deciding what you are going to do... Do you now frantically search for another car? In the meantime, what about all those "other poor fools" who are still driving around what you consider a lemon? Should you spend your rather limited time (as far as you currently know) trying to talk them out of driving that thing around? Is it really that pressing? After all, WHAT will you do in the meantime? What is going to save YOU? You are still in this absurd comedy/tragedy... so..... now what?
I'll just start it there. Let me know if you find this helpful. It can have many twists added to it or else extended as is into many scenarios. Many other methods of imaginative liberation exist as well. See my post about why I left the 'organization' 17+ years ago when I was as many years old if you like, it tells a story in itself. It's in the board below.
RE: Is This God's Organization?