So, why not cowboy up, brother, and get your assets back here.
Good on you, cowboy.
by AMNESIAN 5 Replies latest jw friends
So, why not cowboy up, brother, and get your assets back here.
Good on you, cowboy.
So, why not cowboy up, brudda, an' git yo' assets back here. w0rd!
Amnesian, I knew you could not resist. That's okay. You stated your case, and I stated mine [in my final installment Amnesian - The Legacy]. Those reading both sides have stated what they think. Some agree one way or the other, and some see both sides. There are other more interesting things to talk about. So, why don't we just let it go? It has been an interesting exercise. I grant you that you state things well. Good for you! I am moving on from this topic. Thanks.
Hey Amazing,
God for you! - amazingJust a hint........I suggest you edit your spelling before the fundies/atheists get all in an uproar. *sigh*
I hope y'all come to agree to disagree. As has been said, good comments from both camps of thought.
Advanced political correctness is indistingishable from sarcasm.
ps: See the change was made as I was posting. Good for you!
Hi Waiting: I just saw the little booboo ... and went in and edited it, and made a couple of other small changes. Thanks. I agree with you 100% ... good comments from both camps.
My review of the Elders Culpability debate.
Both posters make good points. They also possess superior writing skills. In some parts, both parties substance was overpowered by delivery style. This tended to take away from the issues, themselves, and instead concentrating on the topic, personalities took center stage. This reader did her best to focus on the matter at hand, who's *mas* guilty (sorry folks, I don't know the word in Spanish for guilty), the rank and file, or those in positions of power(Elders, COs, POs, etc).
At this time, I am of the opinion that each situation is unique, and that a broad brush cannot to be used to judge elders, as a group, equally guilty of the perpetuation, and enforcement of the WT doctrines. Granted they are given power, that most with their lack of education, and training, are not able to use with wisdom and temperance.
So, now what? Seems to me we can debate the elder question indefinitely. Until the rank and file, themselves, start flocking away in droves, the WT, with it's good and bad elders, will remain intact in the forseeable future.