Well...I blew it

by Garrett 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Garrett

    Guys, I tried. (Follow up to my last post)

    unfortunately, before I could write anything she had sent a second message letting me know that the org isn't perfect, but that jehovah sees everything and that she's sad that I want to leave jehovah.

    well, I let it rip, boys and gals. I let it rip. I can't take stupidity from people I thought were capable of using their brain. How dare she say the org isn't perfect and that jehovah sees? How would he allow innocent children to be raped and then have his org tell people not to tell authorities and not to take action? ITS THE MOST MORONIC THING IVE EVER HEARD!!! I'm so pissed off right now.

    unfortunately my emotions got the better of me and I couldn't follow your advice. The reason this is such a touchy subject for me is that because for half my life, I was severely abused mentally and physically by my father. To the point where I had to sleep in the woods at night because he threatened to kill me in my sleep. So child abuse of any kind infuriates me, and people that see it, have the power to stop it and take no action deserve to die. They deserve to be tortured and die.

    im sorry for the rant guys, I really am. I'll see you guys later. have a wonderful Easter.


  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    You don't have to apologize to us I don't think.

    I looked over you're other thread, and I'm not surprised you lost your cool. If it makes you feel better, I also seriously lost my cool the first time talking about this with someone. It was really, really bad. They kept cutting me off and not letting me finish my sentences and that's a real quick way to piss me off. It got real ugly.

    I did call them and apologize for loosing my temper. Because I did disrespect that person.

    But just remember, and this is just my opinion, but you SHOULD be angry. There's nothing wrong with you for being angry. They should be angry too, but their minds are like... Hypnotized. It'll all work out. It'll be okay.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Once you've got it together, why not contact her again and tell her that you agree with her 100% that the Org isn't perfect and that the governing body is composed of imperfect men who make mistakes.

    Tell her that the Catholic church is an imperfect organization run by the imperfect Pope and his imperfect Cardinals - people who hid their paedophiles as well!

    Then ask her if she'd maintain that view if she was shown proof of deliberate lies and deceit!

  • freemindfade
    I did the same thing. I lost my cool. When I had a bunch of half wits corner me and question me and call me names and accuse me of apostasy and talk about how ignorant I am I came unglued. The after affect from the hypocrites..."how dare you insult us" the sad thing is before I would have never called my family half wits. But their inability to differentiate truth from cult has left me baffled. Not even that they want to believe the org but that their answer is to act childish and go BEYOND the org in the super self righteous judgement.
  • flipper

    GARRETT- I totally understand. I had been out of the JW cult since 2003 and when I found out that the WT child abuse problem in 2006 or 2007 was much bigger than I had even known- I was infuriated. I wanted to tell everybody I knew about it- which I did, especially my daughters who were in their early 20's as JW's then. I got similar responses you did. Now I pick and choose who to tell this to- mainly JW's in my area and non-JW's who don't know me.

    But it's good that you tried telling her, it helps you to see a little more about how mind controlled she is. Don't apologize for getting angry about it- you have a right to be angry , especially after what you experienced personally. Hang in there guy. We are with you

  • FayeDunaway

    Jonathan, they are hypnotized! That's a perfect way to describe it.

    garrett...this conversation was important, you needed to know. And things you say could have longer term effects than you realize. It takes time for witnesses to process certain thoughts contrary to their brainwashing. She may be more alert now to things she hears.

  • ABibleStudent

    Hi Garrett, Before you reverse witness to a JW, you need to be able to control your emotions and actions.

    If your friend does start to shun, mark, or avoid you, you could ask her the following question: "How come you will blindly follow the instructions [15 Nov 2013, Watchtower (Study Edition), page 20, paragraph 17] of imperfect men to not report suspected child sexual abuse, and avoid me for saying report all abuse to local law enforcement or for promoting to critically think for yourself? At least I don't proclaim that I have the "Truth" and say follow me even though I'm imperfect."

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Garrett

    Hey guys,

    ive cooled off and am now having a conversation with her. Currently she's watching one of the news segments. I'll keep my cool, promise. I'll update you when it's all done with.

  • Oubliette

    HER: the org isn't perfect, but that jehovah sees everything and that she's sad that I want to leave jehovah.

    Glad you cooled down.

    Ask her why she doesn't make the same allowances/excuses for every other religion on Earth!

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