Guys, I tried. (Follow up to my last post)
unfortunately, before I could write anything she had sent a second message letting me know that the org isn't perfect, but that jehovah sees everything and that she's sad that I want to leave jehovah.
well, I let it rip, boys and gals. I let it rip. I can't take stupidity from people I thought were capable of using their brain. How dare she say the org isn't perfect and that jehovah sees? How would he allow innocent children to be raped and then have his org tell people not to tell authorities and not to take action? ITS THE MOST MORONIC THING IVE EVER HEARD!!! I'm so pissed off right now.
unfortunately my emotions got the better of me and I couldn't follow your advice. The reason this is such a touchy subject for me is that because for half my life, I was severely abused mentally and physically by my father. To the point where I had to sleep in the woods at night because he threatened to kill me in my sleep. So child abuse of any kind infuriates me, and people that see it, have the power to stop it and take no action deserve to die. They deserve to be tortured and die.
im sorry for the rant guys, I really am. I'll see you guys later. have a wonderful Easter.