"I'm anointed...it's important you listen ...

by terafera 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • terafera

    Get this.

    A knock at my door... I answer it, it's a sister who claims to be anointed. I used to study with her but lost contact for awhile after I moved. So anyway, she is standing in my doorway making idle conversation and manages to ask her way into my living room. I feel obliged to let her in, after all, she is very sweet and sincere (or so I thought).

    She began to ask me why I dont make meetings and such... then she shows me a scripture and an article from the Watchtower that says the Governing Body is giving us 'the proper food at the proper time'. Then she tells me the GB members are anointed and then asks me if I understand that it isnt just the GB that is special.. it is ALL anointed ones, including her!! She proceeds to tell me that God uses anointed ones to carry special tasks out and that anyone refusing the message by anointed ones are ignoring God.

    I stared at her in disbelief. She was implying that she was speaking for God!!!! Somehow I got rid of her ( think I said my muffins were burning in the oven) and she left. 2 days later she comes over and says that God let her know she said some improper things. No, it wasnt what you think.. she said that she told me to shun my DF'd mom and that I should encourage her. Can you believe it!!! I asked her how God talks to her and she said.. ' I wont go into details.. you wouldnt understand. Just say He let me know."

    *insert Twilight Zone theme here* do do doo doo doo do do do

    I'm not answering my phone OR my door. She is freaking me out!!!

    Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.
    Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it.


  • Celia

    Maybe you should try to convince her that it would be a good thing if she would go see a psychotherapist...

  • Marilyn

    Or ask her why she stopped taking her medication?

    Seriously, it's why I feel very surperior to JW's nowdays. They are all sooooooooooo off the planet! (your little old lady a bit more than most!)


  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum

    It would be so cool if all of the sudden 144,000 younger JW's started partaking this year.

    "Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life son." Dean Vernon Wormer, Faber College

  • terafera

    Yes... and another little update on this story...

    this sister that came to my door is only in her early 50's. She started hanging around a younger sister (in her early 30's) and aux. pioneered with her. All of a sudden, this younger sister now says she is anointed!!! She told me that she is partaking at the Memorials and that the older sister truly helped her understand her feelings. This is wack. The sad thing is, the younger sis is married to a very HOT elder who is trying to accept that his wife is going to heaven!! And her kids are trying to accept it.

    Then they BOTH tried to tell me how 'special' I was that Jehovah sent 2 apointed women to my house!!!!

    Are they all going crazy???!!!

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
    garage makes you a mechanic.

  • kenny2


    If they come by again, can you please ask them to ask God where my cat has run off to? I haven't seen him in a couple of days now and I could use some divine direction


  • terafera

    LOL Kenny... OMG that gave me an idea..

    I'll ask them for help since I havent been able to find my spare keys. I'll ask them to pray for God's direction!! LOL

    Aww.. Kenny.. did you really lose your cat? I hope you found him.. I lost my kitty for 4 days but at 6 in the morning he was meowing at my door!! I hope he comes back

    Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than going to a
    garage makes you a mechanic.

  • Thomas Poole
    Thomas Poole

    Well, I am anointed also. All claiming to be Christians, who know what they are talking about, have the anointing of the Holy Spirit.

    These Christians do know what it is about and they can and will explain it to whoever will listen. They would never patronize someone who wants to learn or understand what this is about. Getting saved is a simple matter for anyone wanting to be.

    When God's [holy] spirit indwells with your spirit, you know it because of the new person you become.

    If she were really anointed, she would understand her relationship with the person of Jesus Christ himself, specifically.

    God draws people to his Son. Note that she wants you to come to the WT, not to Christ.

    Of course, our relationship with God and the Holy Spirit is also with us.

  • ofcmad

    Right on Thomas!

    Have you ever got the oppurtunity to ask a JW about their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and what he has done for them in thier life?
    You'll get the same ole' line of generalities.. i.e. the Watchtower is growing by leaps and bounds, looking forward to the New System..yada yada... Infact, I asked a person to claim that they were anointed what Jesus Christ has done for them in thier personal life, and they said it was personal and none of my business. The reason why they can't is because they DON'T have the Holy Spirit nor Jesus Christ in thier life.

  • plmkrzy

    I don't know anything about the women who came to your door but I do know that people who are anointed who have been for many years inside the JW religion, do not go around announcing it and certainly don't threaten people with it. She must be a want-a-be. There must be a lot of that going around. She had no right to say those things to you, it was wrong.

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