I don't see where there is a waste in this particular case...
Greetings, dear Chase... and peace to you! The "waste" IMHO, would be for the feds to take on a case decided by a state court pursuant to its state constitution, which is even stricter than the federal constitution, which Constitution states that marriage is a fundamental right of all citizens subject to it. Now, true, for most "marriage" is "between a man and a woman," but, unfortunately, the Constitution does not say that... and times are a'changing - apparently, the public doesn't want an amendment to say that. Majorily, that is.
Be all of that as it may, I'm not really sure what the big deal is. Folks already live, sleep, eat, bathe, and have families together. Are we afraid of folks going against Biblical law? If so, that seems awful funny to me because although homosexuality isn't including among the Big Ten... adultery is. Yet, married men and women (meaning, straight and/or married to the opposite sex) commit adultery... all the time. Some like breathing. But no one's denying them THEIR "marital" rights.
The truth is that all "legal" marriages are really nothing more than "civil unions." They don't even have to be consummated. Once you sign that paper, in most states, well, you're married. And if it's a community property state, then you're on the hook for one-half of the community. On the other hand, consummation actual forms a marriage, in God's eyes, regardless of whether is a civil ceremony/registration/certification.
So, again, I say to his own master let each one stand or fall... and let us leave off the hypocrisy of judging others while we ourselves exist in [some sort of] sin.
So, yeah, I'd rather they soup up the "track a pedophile" system or some similar PRODUCTIVE use of public funds. I mean, if it were up to me. It ain't though, so the whole thing's moot anyway, right?
How's that?
Again, peace to you!
A slave of Christ,