What was the official handed down reason as to why there are two? Of course, I feel like the reason is that before there was two versions the articles that were heavy on the dictation (keep on the watch, don't be misled, exert yourselves vigorously etc...) were mixed in with worldy people to witness bait. And, while before this worked, it's a different ballgame now. People aren't falling for the H. G. Wells "War of the Worlds" radio broadcast. I asked my dub aunt and she goes "Well there's 2 because these are the last days and the society is making sure we're all in harmony with what god want's us to learn and blah blah blah...." Which makes no sense, how much easier would it have been to just keep one mag but just double the issue? And I love my aunt, I really do. She can be so smart in other things but this dub speak she does just turns her into Patrick Star or something.
So what was the "new light" regarding pub and dub version of Watchtower?
by Vachi 8 He Is 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
cost cutting
"Official" announced reason was so that the "study edition" articles could use "theocratic language" (pioneer, circuit overseer, great crowd, etc.) without having to stop and explain them to the "public". Without those cumbersome explanations, more "spiritual solid fodd" could be packed into each article.
As if the "public" ever actually read the magazines, instead of pitching them directly in the trash.
The real reason is a jwfacts writes - cost cutting. They print far fewer of the study edition compared to the public edition.
A secondary, but still important, reason is that the indoctrination and intimidation can be ratcheted up several degrees. It is extraordinarily rare that even one "study" edition passes without some "obey us completely or Jehovah will melt your eyeballs and feed your rotting carcass to hyenas at Armageddon" type article.
It is also so the public will not realize that there are so many stupid rules before they join the religion and get stuck with it.
cult classic
An uber pioneer friend of mine was so excited when they did this. She actually said that this shows how important it is to wait on Jehovah. She said there were many witnesses who left over the years because they felt there should be two editions of the WT mag and if only they had waited on Jehovah....
I was like "What the hell are you talking about?"