karma is a b!tch and i am her fan....

by chickpea 8 Replies latest social current

  • chickpea

    .... because she is coming back around
    to bite some well-deserving asses....

    the lump that was principal when my son
    was first trying to raise the issue of bullying
    at his HS by organizing a Day of Silence,
    who REFUSED to address the issues is now
    being SUED along with other school officials,
    (different district) law enforcement and district attorney
    for guess what??? FAILING to address bullying issues.....

    sadly it was a failed suicide attempt that has left
    the bullying victim paralyzed that has brought the
    discussion into court... so preventable had an
    ALREADY established policy been upheld....

    bullies SUCK and so do the enablers!

    link requires subscription
    so here is the article....

    Park Falls school district, staff sued over alleged student bullying, neglect

    Targeted teen attempted suicide, now a paraplegic
    For The Daily Press

    Published: Wednesday, August 4, 2010 10:39 PM CDT MADISON — A Chequamegon High School student's attempted suicide in May, which left her a paraplegic, resulted from two years of student bullying and neglect by school and police officials, according to a lawsuit filed this week in federal court.

    Rachell Morenweiser, 15, of Park Falls, shot herself in the stomach on May 5 after a text message circulated that falsely stated she had been raped.

    The lawsuit, filed by Morenweiser and her mother, alleges that: Morenweiser had received good grades and was popular with classmates but in the spring of 2008 female students began bullying and sexually harassing her in ways prohibited by the school district's policies against such conduct.

    Her stepfather, Timothy Kennedy, who had been a teacher in the district for 20 years, told Katherine Rybak, the high school guidance counselor, that Morenweiser was being bullied at school. Rybak promised but failed to notify other teachers of the Kennedys’ complaint, violating the district's conduct policies.

    In the fall of 2008, Kennedy and Morenweiser's mother, Jacqueline Kennedy, told CHS principal Todd Lindstrom about the harassment and asked for a meeting to stop the conduct. Lindstrom refused to hold the meeting. <<<<< i know THIS tactic first hand! The Kennedys next asked Park Falls police officer Mark Richter, who is also the school liaison officer, for help with the bullying of their daughter. Instead of investigating the complaint, Richter brought the harassing girls and Morenweiser together and threatened to charge them with disorderly conduct.

    Tim Kennedy then told Park Falls Police Chief Scott Straetz of Richter's handling of the ongoing harassment of Morenweiser. The next day Lindstrom met with Straetz, Rybak and Kennedy and instead of discussing how to comply with the district's anti-harassment and bullying policies, Straetz, Rybak and Lindstrom warned Kennedy not to accuse them of not doing their jobs.

    According to the suit, they implied that Kennedy's continued reporting of his stepdaughter's harassment could result in an unspecified job action against him.

    The bullying and sexually harassing student conduct continued against Morenweiser for the remainder of the 2008-09 school year, the following summer and the next academic year. Meanwhile, school and police officials did nothing to halt the bullying or comply with state-mandated school policies against such student conduct, the suit alleges.

    Kennedy's principal, Timothy Kief, did file two formal written disciplines against Kennedy in association with his complaints against the harassment Morenweiser received.

    According to the complaint, the harassment against Morenweiser intensified in 2010, particularly by Lexi Palecek, then a CHS junior. In February, a student sent Palecek a text message telling her to quit harassing Morenweiser. Palecek showed the text to Rybak, who met with Morenweiser and Palecek and told Morenweiser to quit bullying Palecek. Morenweiser again told Rybak of the bullying by Palecek and other students but Rybak failed to take the non-discretionary response set out in district policies to curb bullying.Jacqueline Kennedy also told Lindstrom of text messages Palecek had sent bragging about the harassment of Morenweiser, but Lindstrom accused Morenweiser of sending the text.

    The harassment spread to entries on Facebook pages telling Morenweiser that "you suck at life" and "you should just die and go to hell."

    Lindstrom, Rybak and District Administrator Mark Luoma were notified of the harassing comments but did nothing in response, even though the district's anti-hazing policy recognizes that such conduct creates a risk of emotional harm. Ignoring complaints from Morenweiser and her parents of sexual harassment and bullying by others should have put school officials on notice that Morenweiser might harm herself, the suit states.

    The suit alleges the distress Morenweiser felt from the student harassment and the officials' failure to address it caused her to attempt suicide.

    Morenweiser's attorney, Robert Elliott, said the officials' lack of response was most "disheartening" to Morenweiser's parents.

    "What was disheartening to my clients is that procedures weren't followed. People dropped the ball and I can only guess why," he said.

    During the suicide attempt, the bullet entered Morenweiser's spine causing her a lifetime disability that Elliott said has a cost "in the tens of millions just for her care," that he will attempt to recover in the suit.

    Calls to Luoma's, Lindstrom's and Rybak's offices were not returned before deadline.

    The suit contends that Rybak, Lindstrom and Luoma were so deliberately indifferent to Morenweiser's complaints that it deprived her of education opportunities guaranteed under federal law. The claim against Palecek contends her behavior was so malicious and intentional and resulted in injury to Morenweiser that it violates state law.

    The suit filed by Morenweiser and her mother names Lindstrom, Rybak, Luoma, Palecek and the school district as defendants and seeks unspecified compensatory and punitive damages against them.

  • SnakesInTheTower

    I hate text messaging, it is blocked on my phone. I have FB but not sure I like it much either (I have it to stay in contact with a couple of friends from, ironically, HS). I can see how both of these electronic means of communication can be abused, especially by teenagers. Thankfully, neither was around when I was in high school (25+ years ago)...if they wanted to bully me, they had to do it in person.

    I have a 9YO boy, my fiancee's son..and he wants a cell phone. Fiancee said she will give him a TracPhone when he turns 10. I am completely against it....this is only one of the reasons why. Hell, anyone else my age or older need a telephone in their room, let alone their pocket, when they were kids?

    How sad that a 15 year old girl now has to spend the rest of her life disabled. I hope she wins the lawsuit. However, in her win, the school district's taxpayers lose. The cost of the lawsuit, along with the increased premiums for the district's insurance, could cost the students in the long run. This is not to say that the girl shouldn't sue, she should. The taxpayers should turn around and sue the principle and administrators for negligence for failure to do their jobs (and costing taxpayers money). Apparently only the school counselor did her job. The ball was dropped after that.

    What a lousy turn of events for that poor girl.

    Snakes (Rich )

  • chickpea

    in the long run students benefit from a culture of safety...
    the district failed to provide such to students compelled
    to be in attendance by state laws...

    superior curriculum and attendant niceties equal a
    polished turd when there is an undercurrent of
    fear aided by LAYERS of bureaucratic malaise and

    i hope this ends that asshat's career in administration

  • DaCheech

    I wish this was so publicized when I was in school.

    I got pushed into a locker or two. nothing leaving me scarred but embarassed.

    we had about 3 bullies in school, 1 of them tried to trip me on graduation day ceremonies.

    this football player now weighs 280 pounds, 5'5 tall and is bald............ karma baby

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    It breaks my heart to hear of kids being bullied. I can only imagine it's worse nowdays.

    Think About It


    Well done to your son for trying to help.

    I feel very strongly about anti bullying. I was lucky not to have been bullied - just the luck of the draw by being in a decent class and having a cool set of friends (also being good at sports and bright helped).

    Some JW's I knew had it bad. What was worse though was how others in the cong would not stick up for them and sometimes induced the situation. Imagine hearing them on the platform saying such nice things and then sh1tting on their spiritual siblings at school?

    Really been quite gutting to learn my nephew is the school bully (not even 7). When I recently spent some time with him he tried his best to knock over other kids younger than him. As a little girl came down the slide he threw sand in her face!? This was while I was watching him - just couldn't stop him in time. Total embarrassment to the borg. He will do something terrible when he is older - I know it. But his parents are bad parents and will not tolerate any discussions - especially not from an ex-JW.

    Karma hasn't helped yet

  • Twitch

    Nice to hear, in one sense.

    I was bullied a bit as a kid in grade school, some fearful times. But I ate my veggies and grew tall pretty quick, so middle and high school were rather uneventful. Being a little crazy helped; they'll leave you alone if they think you'll snap on them.

  • White Dove
    White Dove

    Saw this thread while looking for another one.

    I was bullied in the 70's quite badly in grade school.

    The effects have lasted a very, very long time.

    My dad was bullied badly, too.

    He's never recovered from it.

    It's a constant struggle to remember that my life has value.

    I'm just very glad we didn't have this technology back then.

    It's doubly bad when you are groomed from birth to be a target for bullies.

    When teachers bullied me and spanked me in school, I got it much worse with the belt at home.

    I'm not sorry for moving away from my family across country.

    Not sorry one bit.

    I just heard on my FB page that a young person from this board shot herself because of bullies and being a JW.

    Can anyone provide a link to the story?

  • Judge Dread
    Judge Dread

    I have posted this in the past and it bears repeating. It may be too late for some of you, but it may help others:



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