Development plans for WT property on schedule (with Dogz' commentary)

by Dogpatch 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    Warwick Advertiser > News

    Development plans for Watchtower property proceeding on schedule

    By Birgit Bogler

    Published: August 5, 2010

    Warwick - The Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is on schedule to provide the Town of Warwick this fall with plans to develop the 253-acre site of the former International Nickel Company off Long Meadow Road in Warwick.

    “We’re trying to produce something that is going to blend in with the natural setting,” said Richard Devine, spokesperson for a religious order known more commonly as Jehovah’s Witnesses, in a telephone interview from his office in Brooklyn.

    (yeah, a religious circus of clones to entertain the town)

    “We did hire (Perkins Eastman) to give us an architectural theme and our board hasn’t finished their review of it,” he added. “I understand it’s very nice.”

    (we even built tunnels underground to avoid sunlight, as it burns our skin until Twilight)

    Perkins Eastman has won awards for its architectural designs, which include the TKTS Booth in Times Square and the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh.

    (hot dog stands and crayons?)

    Watchtower officials expect to submit their plans by fall, Devine said. He added that the archeological review, the investigation for protected bat species, trees, wetlands, soil as well as traffic studies are already done.

    (yes, the trees will be cut down, wetland filled with cement, soil polluted with print-related chemicals, and the bats will be gassed)

    “As expected, in our traffic study we didn’t see a big impact on peak traffic periods,” said Devine, who attributed the finding to the modern day live/work campus model used by Witnesses.

    (we won't spend much money in your rat-assed town)

    He also said the environmental studies the town commissioned are nearing completion. Ninety percent of the property will be left in its natural state.

    (it's a investment, fools)

    If the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society proposal goes through, it will have a minimal carbon footprint, added Warwick Town Supervisor Michael Sweeton, and “use all kinds of recycled materials with a vast amount of open space to remain.”

    (we from the Pleiades are not carbon-based units, and the gassed bats will be used for fertilizer)

    Sweeton said he expects that Witnesses visiting the campus will stay in bed and breakfasts and hotels, eat in restaurants and shop, bringing tourism dollars with them to Warwick.

    (and leave tracts for tips)

    Nonetheless, “architecture is so subjective,” said Devine. “Let’s see what everybody thinks when it’s released.”

    (It will be based on the Pentagon, only with hidden missile batteries)

  • Eiben Scrood
    Eiben Scrood

    Thanks for the great laugh!

    "(we from the Pleiades are not carbon-based units, and the gassed bats will be used for fertilizer)" - that's classic, good stuff! :)

  • ziddina

    “We did hire (Perkins Eastman) to give us an architectural theme and our board hasn’t finished their review of it,” he added. “I understand it’s very nice.” ...

    Wow. That doesn't sound cheap - wonder how all those high-school-diploma window-washing JWs out there would feel, knowing that their hard-earned donations went towards a 'designer' architectural firm...

    “As expected, in our traffic study we didn’t see a big impact on peak traffic periods,” said Devine, who attributed the finding to the modern day live/work campus model used by Witnesses." ..

    Translation? "We will be shunning you nasty worldlies who lie in the power of "Satan the Devil", until we come knocking on your door for the umpteenth time in one month, because the territory is so limited in this area... "

    "Witnesses visiting the campus will stay in bed and breakfasts and hotels, eat in restaurants and shop, ..." because the elitist old fools on the Gov.Bod sure don't want the hoi polloi - er, "rank and file" - staying with THEM!!!

    Thanks for posting that, Dogpatch!!


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