After sitting thru the Drama this year I was struck with a thought.
There was a scene where a "brother" said they knew the end would come, but did not think it would be in their lifetime. At no point did someone say "But Jesus said this generation would see the end" Why? Because "this generation" now means 2 generations that overlap - as explained to us in the last talk of the day. I have been a JW my whole life and never been more embarrassed by the nonsense.
I saw an earlier entry about the fleeing to Pella. Has anyone done the research on this? Jesus said to the mountains, but they went to a city in the valley instead - doesn't sound very faithful to me. I was to understand that the "Jewish" congregation moved from Jerusalem to Antioch after 70. Not Pella. I thought Jesus brother Judas took over leadership there, but I'd like to know if there is any research on where the Jerusalem church moved to after Jerusalem's destruction.