my BF is far away from me now. i tired of the long distance. less comunication is the biggest problem. wanna ask how to keep long distance love fresh? i don't know how long i will persist.
how to keep long distance love fresh?
by cloudy2010 6 Replies latest social relationships
Well, can you visit each other often. How far is the distance?
This will probably sound silly to most, but, how bout a movie night. Where you both watch the same movie at the same time and call each other afterwards to talk about it.
e-mail lots, send gifts, letters.
But, decide what you really want out of this relationship. And, it's true you can only keep the distance so long, before you decide if it's worth it for one of you to move.
Welcome to the forum.
Or whatch movies online together through skype or Xbox or some other connected medium. Live chat daily might be nice too if you have cams.
thanks for your suggestion
Hi there! I'm new here too.
My $0.02: I concur with EmptyInside. Your relationship cannot remain long distance for very long. Sooner or later one of you IS going to have to move. You have to make a decision about whether the relationship can work out for the long term. "Choose wisely. Treat kindly."
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