I know its been awhile since I've been around, so I just wanted to drop in and let you know whats been going on with me. It's been a long hard road since leaving the WTS back in 06. Some amazing things have happened in such a short period of time. For much of the time I was full of anger at the WTS. In Feb. of 09 my mom passed away. This got me thinking about life. I finally got up enough courage to ask God if there was any TRUTH out there to let me know. HE DID !! The very next day I was at a transfer station and on the ground amongst the garbage was a book entitled "How to be Born Again". I read that book and the rest is history. By the way that book was written in 1977 by Billy Graham. God really does answer prayer!! I gave myself to Christ in April 09 and haven't looked back since. The Lord has blessed me in so many ways I can't even begin to explain. My oldest daughter has found Christ and is doing well. The Lord has laid upon my heart this past year to get involved with apologetics. I have had so much research done on the WTS and its doctrine that I had a good headstart. I have just finished putting together an outline to give lectures at local churches on JW doctrine. I will be focusing on the Deity of Christ, the Trinity and the bodily ressurrection of Christ. I will be giving it some time this fall at Harvest Hills Baptist Church in Herkimer, NY., followed by Mohawk Valley Bible Chapel in Little Falls, NY. I will be sending an invitation to the local Kingdom Halls. Many thanks to Walter Martin ( who is with the Lord now ) for his inspiration from his book "Kingdom of the cults". A great read by the way for anyone to refute JW's on their doctrine. Last but not least my many many thanks to all of you who's post's I have read on many topic's that have given me logical thought to illogical reasoning. May our Lord and Savior bless you all. Jim : )
Where I am now.
by IronClaw 6 Replies latest jw friends
Pleased you have found direction. Good for you
I may sound stupid for asking, but what is "apologetics"? And btw, I'm glad things are going so well for you.
just n from bethel
Funny - the way you found the Billy Graham book is the way many found WT literature. It's good to see people happy - but I suppose to be fair then this makes it true that many JWs are happy just the same. I say good for all of them and you. As for me, I've said it before but here it is now - moving forward from JWs means just that - moving forward. If I ever regress to more crazy nonesense and follow man and their personal revelation endorsers (i.e. born agains, or any other religous fanaticism) I beg of any of you...please, please find me and smack me in the face with a whiffle ball bat.
So to paraphrase Dennis Miller: Born-agains are a great reminder of how glad I am that I got it right the first time.
Also - when I traveled the world and visited various KHs, every once in a while I'd see that there were a few who were just nucking futs. So to Billy Graham and all the other evangelical groups that helped these ones find their happy place - we thank you.
IronClaw, great to hear from you. You posted on my very first thread over four years ago. Glad you're happy.
Black Sheep
It's nice to hear you are enjoying your new path, Jim, even if I won't be joining you on it.
Billy Graham, like so many of his comtemporaries doomday sayers, has made fantastic predictions about the end of times. None of his apocalyptic predictions has taken place. To better understand why his message is completely off target, take a look at "The Signs of the Last Days - When?" by Carl Olof Jonsson.