Could it be said that Jehovah is the real culprit in bringing the earth to ruin? If we believe the narrative of the bible, Jehovah took the earth from what one would have to assume was an uninhabitable sphere from his universe and made it habitable complete with a perfect garden that had the potential of being spread earth wide. With its water canopy intact along with the other provisions or cycles would allow for this to continue in its idyllic state forever. But then not to much later he becomes pissed off with the shenanigans of his other perfect creation, man. Yes I am aware of the intervention of one of his other perfect creations, one of his spirit sons ruining his human creation by causing them to sin. You know eating the apple (oops, whatever the fruit was) thingy. Anyways, he gets pissed and destroys the water canopy so as to make it rain long enough and hard enough so as to cause a flood of water that allows him to kill, by drowning, all those that pissed him off, right down to those little babies that would't shut up with their cryin and stuff.
So my question is, was this devastation caused by his impetuous act of vengeance what actually ruined the earth. At least according to jw's it was the weight of the water that caused the earths crust to heave and cause the deep valleys and tall mountains to be formed. I could go on with many aspects of this devastating decision, but will stop with the question: did Jehovah cause the ruination of the earth?