Once again, Mormans show our experinces are not unique.
by maninthemiddle 4 Replies latest jw friends
I bring this up because of the comments.
this is the first:
Our church is too self-contradictory!! On top of that, I can't go there without being judged or be asked in what I believe in without feeling like I have to regurgitate my teacher's, or the bishop's, beliefs. I'm sick of this crap!
Church is supposed to be a place where you can feel close to God and where you can be happy and content, not a place where everyone expects you to do things you don't want for "God". I'm not going atheist. but lately, being Mormon is just something that doesn't suit me anymore, believing anything and anyone so easily doesn't happen.
I was born into the church and all this time I've believed and accepted everything I heard without question...it's not like I'm believing everyone else and what they're saying, but I can't help but think that every religion is "wrong" in some way or another.The whole point of life is experience and understanding your purpose, whether it's to help someone else here or on another Earth. if God has a plan for everyone, then why are the rules/laws being changed because of political issues? First of all, as a Mormon, you believe that God is always there for you. So, why should anyone fear that we're going to be persecuted for not allowing someone of another race become missionaries? Thank goodness that law changed,it made you look bad.
Also, the topic of gays; For your information, I have nothing wrong with gays, or someone of "another race".It shouldn't matter what you look like or who you love that makes you wrong or from hell/Satan or unholy.
I know for a fact that God or Christ would NOT hate you for that!! If you believe that he loves you and here's there for you, that should apply to everyone else on this Earth!
But hey... if it works for you and helps you through life, that's fine with me. But don't tell me that your religion is the best because it's not. No one is the best, or the one with the most truth. -
I won't post any more, but this one sounds like people I know.
Interesting also to me is the complaint of changes in the church, this is something that got me thinking.
I was raised mormon and feel so lucky to have escaped. My sister didn't escape so easily. She married a mormon - he beat her for years - when she went to the bishop for help, he asked her what she did to make him do it. She was told she had to obey him no matter what he did and that God would punish him if needed.
My mormon father raped me and my sister and brothers. Even if all that had not happened the church itself damaged my soul with it's obvious opression of women and so much more. How can they claim to have a monopoly on spiritual truth? They only allow men to hold the priesthood and many other positions.
They didn't allow African American men to hold the priesthood for a very long time - and then changed that policy - oops - I guess God made a mistake or changed HIS (as God must be male) mind. And the multiple wife thing that they so distance themselves from now - if you dig into it - they changed that policy too - due to political pressures - hmm I guess God made another mistake.
If you actually dig and ask questions, and read actual journals written by the women in those relationships with Joseph Smith you would be horrified or the about the massacre done by mormons - so many cover ups it is just disgusting.
I see your point, M.i.t.Middle, the comparison is very true, there are a lot of cases of abuse and misogynistic behavior in high control religious cults, the Mormons and the WTS religion have a lot of parallels despite diverging religious doctrines. It's not what they teach so much as what they practice personally and organizationally that equates their religions of hate more than love.
There are many similarities.
I once saw a website - which I'd LOVE to find again because it would be so useful when dealing with JW's - which had quotes from the literature of various high control religions/cults placed side by side, including those of the Mormons and JW's and others, even from the Catholics. It was STUNNING to read the quotes from other religions which sounded exactly like the Watchtower! It really opens your eyes. They nearly all harped on about:
- We are the Only True Religion
- The others are evil and only we will be saved
- Beware of Apostates and don't listen to their criticism
- Stay away from and don't talk to those Disfellowshipped.
- Obey the leadership as God's representatives
- Don't question or doubt
- Are you doing enough? (Don't even relax or feel safe! Guilt trips)
Etc. They all use the same tactics and so the experience for people in such religions is very, very similar. I wish I could find that page again. If anyone knows where it is please let me know.