How do I get rid of it. It's shut down all of my virus/spyware controls. I can't get past it. What to do? Help!
Antimalware Doctor bug HELP!
by MsDucky 4 Replies latest jw friends
Restart your computer in safe mode (tap F8 key as soon as you see any life on the screen, before windows starts)
Select Safe Mode with Networking
Download Temp File Cleaner by Old Timer here and save it to the desktop and run (do this by right clicking on the link, save target as... and save to desktop)
get Malwarebytes from here
Install and run the program while in safe mode, let it update and run quick scan, after quick scan, let it remove whatever infections it finds
This may be all it takes ... I also like to run combofix to get rid of more crap
Boot into windows ... download combofix to the desktop and run, let it run and answer in the affirmative anything it asks
Wannabefree, I tried all of that. I could not get past the Antimalware Doctor Virus. It wouldn't even let me go to task manager. I, finally, threw my hands up in the air and pull out the back-up discs. All I had to do is put in the one and this allowed me to restore to an earlier date. The computer took over in DOS mode, I guess, and just let me select where I wanted to go with the mouse. Thank goodness for back-up discs!
I did get rid of my old spyware program and downloaded Malwarebytes.
Sorry MsDucky, you got a tough one. Usually, if you type in and start msconfig from the run box as soon as windows starts up but before all programs have started running, you can get in and disable all startup items and non-microsoft services, restart and run the above cocktail ... after completed re-enable what was disabled.
Odd that you could restore to an earlier date and not still be infected ... but good for you, I am glad it worked!
I recommend downloading and running the free version of MBAM from It usually gets rid of everything.