Accused Fake Jehovah’s Witness Charged With Sevier Burglaries

by Bangalore 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bangalore

    Accused Fake Jehovah's Witness Charged With Sevier Burglaries.


  • Bonnie_Clyde

    That's interesting. In our neighborhood we just started a Neighborhood Watch, and I'm the block captain. The day after our meeting last week, we had a guy pounding on our door about 1 p.m. who was selling Kirby vacuums. So I sent out an alert to the people in my "block" about a guy in a white van and another neighbor called back to say that there were actually two more inside the van. The following day there some guys selling asphalt paving, and another block captain sent out the alert. It's quite rare that our area ever get sales people because we live in the country. That got me thinking...when the JW's go through area, I hope they will all be reported. Even though I never think of JW's being dangerous, it's very possible that "fake" JW's could case the area for the purpose of burglary or worse. I plan to report any "JW's" that I don't recognize. I also got the following email:

    "Just a reminder to that "No Soliciting" within our county without permission from the townships. If they cannot produce documentation then contact us so they can a first warning or very large fine for violating this order. Most businesses know that."

    I suppose the JW's are exempt from this?

  • Leolaia

    Be sure to read the comments, they're pretty interesting.

  • kurtbethel

    Bah! He's just casing the neighborhood for some nifty post-armageddon digs.

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