The WT has good news and Bad News- - -

by moshe 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • moshe

    Things have been rather tight for the WT org in the money department lately, so-oo,----The good news is the WT has found all the money it needs from the brothers and sisters to run all it's worldwide operations!!!!--

    The bad news is it's, still in the brother's wallets!

    Moshe-laughing about the end of the WT Org, due to lack of donations from the brothers- shoot, they have a whole 'nother generation

    of WT contributions to give up- it's no wonder the brothers are feeling squeezed- now they have to

    save up for a real retirement, and it's so very late in the game for these 50+ year old brothers to do that!

  • ziddina

    I sure hope you're right, Moshe...

    I'd love to be a 'fly-on-the-wall' in one of their accounting meetings... Obviously the Governing Body doesn't participate in such lowly functions, but...

    Accounting is the heart of any "for-profit" corporation... I've often wondered whether the 'money' end of the Watchtower Corporation was as focused on the bottom line as a typical corporation would be...

    You'd think they would have made better decisions based on increasing their profits, if they were keeping a close eye on the bottom line...


  • Violia

    Re:money My understanding is you can't ( or it is very diffcult) to sue the wts- only congregations or individual elders. I can't imagine why anyone would want to be an elder. The wts money is protected but not the individual elders money. However I have not heard of any elder being successfully sued so that he lost his home or any money.

  • moshe

    JWs are cheap-skates for the most part, so even in the manaical, "the end is so near", times the JWs didn't donate (what I saw when I was an elder) big money to the KH or at the conventions. I do remember being a trustee for my little KH when I was an elder and yes, being a trustee could cause $$ problems for an individual. Anyway, after being told about the new generation "adjustments", I can just see the JWs a few weeks later when the realization hits them that they will probably have another 20-30 or more years of paying bills, raising kids, or maybe decided they won't put off having kids after all, saving for retirement, replacing that 15 year old 200,000+ mile family car, postponed dental/medical/surguries,etc. Yes, the JWs will have to allocate a lot more money to their budgets- knowing the "end" is not just around the corner after all- and guess who will come up short - yes, it will be the KH and the WT donation boxes.

    You can beat a dead horse only so many times about needing contributions, Why, doesn't Jehoobah own all the wealth in the world? Let Him provide the money, after all its his Organized religion and it has His name on it.

  • designs


    Nice perspective, its like a 30 year mortgage just got hung around their necks. If they actually did something Philanthropic with the money people would contribute like we do towards our favorite Charities.

  • I quit!
    I quit!

    I thought his name was Joehovah not Jehoobah, anyway they belittled religions that asked members to tithe saying it was an unscriptural practice used by Christendoms greedy religious leaders to line their pockets and once again they have dug themselves into a hole. I'm sure with no one buying their magazines tithing is starting to sound like a pretty good idea but how to reverse and accept what they have been condemning for years? . And they condemned going to college yet 10% of window washers income is near as good as 10% of a doctors.....oops!

  • clarity

    I think you are mistaken about gods name I Quit! lol

    It's right there in the lords prayer - "our father who's Art in heaven ................(aka:) Harold be thy name...."


  • Quillsky
    JWs are cheap-skates for the most part

    No Moshe, just low-income.

  • moshe

    I still think they are cheapskates. When my house burned down in 1982, our family received lots of nice things from local churches,clothes, dishes, small appliances toys for the kids, etc. A nice $collection$ was raised for our family at work, too. The brothers and sisters gave us a some yard sale junk that would have fit in a cardboard box.

  • Quandry

    Ha! You are right-they are cheapskates.

    Maybe some "new light" will reveal that "evidently" the scriptures say that tithing was not part of the law code and shouldn't have been done away with!

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