We has one guy who kissed every avalable arse to become an Elder only to be remover 3 months latter.
Whats the shortest time someone has been an M.S or Elder??
by karter 7 Replies latest jw friends
I know one guy that was MS for only three weeks, then he was reproved, then one month later, he got df'd. He is still df'd. That happened in 1995, if I recall the year correctly.
The rumor is that he has AIDS. No, he is not gay. He is still alive.
In my cong. a man was recommended as a MS. While the recommendation was being processed at the branch office he committed adultery with a workmate. A few days after his "sin" the elders got the letter from the Branch with the approval of his appointment as MS. Apparently "holy spirit" didn't know he was being naughty. Needless to say, the guy didn't even get to be announced as a MS.
Aussie Oz
I nearly was...
i had no idea i was getting appointed a MS. Not ever discussed with me!
it was anounced one night and really shocked me i can tell you... after all i had been looking at porn for years and that very day!
I went up to my step brother after the meeting (PO) and fessed up... it was ''decided'' i still qualified and nothing more was said or done....
so much for the holy spirit!
what a load of horse shit
it seems in your case the elders didn't follow standard procedure: true, the recommendation is not discussed with the candidate but only among elders and Circuit Overseer before sending it to the branch, but when the b.o.e. gets the the approval letter from the branch, and before the public announcement is made, one elder (usually the PO) is supposed to approach the candidate, inform him of the appointment and ask him whether there is any reason, unknown to the elders, that would hinder him from serving as MS/Elder. In case something dubious surfaces, further clarification is asked from the branch and the public announcement is left pending. Nobody should learn about his appointment from the platform.
Aussie Oz
thanks behe,
i well knew the correct procedure had not been followed!
Thet got castigated by the CO for that one... but still didn't effect the outcome.
i think they decided it would be too embarresing to remove/reprove me so they let it go.
and it still makes the holy spirit 'holy horse shit'!
and it still makes the holy spirit 'holy horse shit'!
Amen, mate!