What does God really convey through Jesus?

by economy 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • economy

    Bible shows that Jesus was passionate about people receiving `life in all its fullness' in the here and now, he loved fiercely, challenged corruption and hypocrisy of religious authority, feasted with the marginalized, chastised the holier-than-thou types, healed the sick, fed the hungry, restored broken lives, taught through stories and offered a drastically new Kingdom where the last would be first and those that served would be known as greatest….. so good a personality, and a supreme ideal indeed to be imitated.

    Yet what was his finality? Rejection by people (and even by his own disciples who witnessed all supernatural miracles—including his resurrecting the dead) and a cruel and torturous death.

    It is true that Gospels report that God resurrected Jesus. However, the way each of them differ in reporting resurrection details does more harm than help to God and Jesus. If the resurrection was a fact, why can’t the reporting match the majesty of that truth leaving not even a slightest shadow of doubt?

    When something is orchestrated by God, it should reflect the majesty of God. But here in the portrayal of Jesus it is not only that majesty is lacking, but it seems also to be counter-productive:


    What kind of message is this? How can this plot inspire readers?

    Fundamentalists may say “it was God’s will that Jesus should suffer and receive glory from God later.”

    But REASON suggests that “it can’t be God’s will the Jesus (or anyone for that matter) should suffer for someone else’s sin to receive glory later!

  • Crazyguy

    The whole story is bunk, I mean think about it, Adam sins and yet get to live for almost a thousand years then dies do to natural causes. Jesus come to make right and pass the test and remain perfect. But instead of passing a small test like Adam didn't do, he is tempted repeatedly by Satan then tortured, beat, hung on a cross with metal stakes driven through his body parts, then speared. This was all done or allowed by a loving god?

    Its also important to mention like you stated that the stories in each gospel don't match up with each other, they had this trial during the most holy week of the Jews. The Jewish leaders would have broken 7 of their own laws to make this trail happen during this week. Others want to be messiahs had come and none of them were killed for professing this, it wasn't a capital offence. Pontius Pilate lets Barabbas go which I believe was a rebel and a killer of Romans, this would of never happen.

    The whole story is made up, and one special final note, when Jesus dies the graves open up and dead people are resurrected and run around the city, yet you never read anymore detail about this miraculous event and Christian's today never talk about it. I mean that's a huge deal and yet its almost never mentioned and the bible doesn't discuss it. WHAT???

  • cofty
    so good a personality, and a supreme ideal indeed to be imitated.

    I disagree. The Jesus of the gospels was not a good man.

    He was an egocentric, family-destroying, false prophet. He called men to abandon their wives, children and businesses to literally follow him around preaching an apocalyptic message.

    He was a dangerous cult leader who also happened to spout a few hackneyed platitudes.

    He said to another man, “Follow me.”

    But he replied, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

    Still another said, “I will follow you, Lord; but first let me go back and say goodbye to my family.”

    Jesus said to him, “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God.”

    Jesus replied,“No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God.”

  • economy


    What you said is correct. There are some negative things too Jesus did (such as calling a Phoenician woman “dog,” validating slavery …… Mathew 15:26; 24:45) People can give explanations with Greet terminology, context, other Scriptures …., yet they are only excuses and deviations from the absolute truth Jesus himself declared in Mathew 5:44-48.

    My point was this: Even if we take only the good Jesus did, still it lacks credibility as fact. Even fiction should follow some logic. You cannot make a fiction in which a person doing good only to receive the bad in the end. Why did his trained disciples who witnessed all his supernatural miracles run away at the time Jesus was being framed unjustly (whereas it is history that even criminals come forward to support their leaders when they are in trouble)?

  • economy
    Nice thought! Story about the graves and saints coming out resurrected at the time of Jesus's death is really the proof that some of the Bible writers were thoughtless!
  • Heaven

    Jesus was purported to be a miracle worker yet was incapable of eradicating slavery.

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