Has anyone been watching "THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH" on TV?

by Nathan Natas 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    EXCELLENT miniseries!

    I especially love how they show that everything - EVERYTHING - is the result of human action and human ambition.

    "Miracles" were contrived inventions of men foisted on the ignorant, they were not peepholes into the Divine. "Saintly relics" were taken from the local boneyard under cover of darkness and then declared to be special.

    Loosie posted a thread recently about the dovout catholic boy who invited her daughter to church and also complimented the girl on her fine booty, telling her he wanted to be her first. Yes, a fine boy he is! Piety and lust, rolled up into a nice hypocritical package, like so many of his kind. He was offended when the girl told him she did not believe in god.

    Have you been watching THE PILLARS OF THE EARTH? Do you love it?

  • dudeson

    Is this based off of Ken Follett's book by the same name?

  • Nathan Natas
  • dudeson

    Thanks for posting that. I have the book sitting in front of me but haven't started it yet.

    I don't get Starz but I see that I can get them via .torrent files. I am downloading part 1 now.

  • lesabre

    i've been catching it on netflix instant watch. i LOOOOOOVE IT!!!!!!!! love the book too. eddie redmayne is one of my fave actors! i don't even mind that they changed his age....

  • poppers

    Yes - my god, what a great series.

  • Heaven

    Nathan, thanks for this. It looks very good. I have to make a point of catching this when I have more time. I couldn't agree more with everything being the ideas of men. You can see it when you read the Bible as well. Like Prodigal Son's "The Wheat and the Weeds Parable" thread:


    My favourite line from the movie "The Kingdom of Heaven" is:

    Tiberias: I have given Jerusalem my whole life. First, I thought we were fighting for God. Then I realized we were fighting for wealth and land. I was ashamed.

  • AGuest

    I can't watch the mini-series (may you all have peace!). My husband and I read both books in this series (we love Follett's historical fiction!): Pillars of the Earth and A World Without End. Because we loved both books SO much, we ordered Starz just do we could watch the show. Unfortunately, as in a lot of instances, the "artistic license" is more than I can handle... because the miniseries is a combination of the two books. I usually know better than to read the book(s) first/see the movie(s) after, but had no choice in this case (the books have been out for awhile).

    In that light, Dudeson (peace to you!), I would suggest you watch the miniseries first, then read the book(s). Otherwise, you're going to be totally lost, if not bummed out altogether. Because the miniseries doesn't "make sense." In the meantime, you might enjoy Follett's book "A Place Called Freedom," which is VERY good, as well (though not as much as the other two).

    Just my $0.02... and, again, peace to you all!

    SA, who first marveled when my husband watched the entire movie "The Count of Monte Cristo" with his jaw dropped but totally understood once I read the book myself (virtually NO resemblance between the two, other than both had a "Count of Monte Cristo")... on her own...

  • Balsam

    It's on Starz- we don't have that channel. I'll watch for it other places.

    I'm watching on PBS "Battle for the Bible" which shows how much the Catholic Church didn't want the translations of the bible to be in the hands of the common people. Funny it made me think of how the WTS was always trying to use the bible to prove how they are God's mouth piece.


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