I noticed the posting guidelines the other day as I was replying to DjEggnog, one of our relentless WT apologists (although he's very unapologetic about it :) and I noticed one rule in particular that got me thinking.
Seeing as such JW's are representatives of an Organization that falsely claims to solely "represent" a pretty important person - God - and they frequently make the claim here that the Org. represents God on earth and that it's teachings are God's teachings - a claim they have been completely unable to substantiate - then I'm fairly sure they must be in breach of rule 7:
"Impersonating or falsely claiming to represent a person or organization".
So, if ever one was looking for a technicality on which to 'disfellowship' any particularly unpleasant and deceptive Society worshipping spammers, then maybe posting guideline 7 might be the way to go. :)
(I personally think that many of them could technically also be caught under rule 8. "Posting in a language other than English", seeing as Watchtowerese makes absolutely no sense, but I can see that one would be a stretch. Lol)