Elders did nothing to stop abuse of daughter...

by Rado Vleugel 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    Elders did nothing to stop the abuse of daughter by father

    Alison Cousins turned to the elders after her dad abused her for three years. The elders knew the man had preyed on another girl. He confessed to them two years earlier but police were not informed. The elders did nothing because they were "not sure of her claim"

    Read the whole story on Watchtower Information Service

    Rado Vleugel

  • anewperson

    Rado, the same story of pedophilia by a JW in Scotland was posted here earlier in the week, but something we would also be very interested in is any stories of sexual or other abuses that have occured in the Netherlands or elsewhere in Europe.

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