Woke up to a beautiful warm summers day, the sun was shinning and the sky was a beautiful clear blue!
So baby sprout and i deceided to go to the zoo. I was very excited as i don't get out much! When we got there we were marvelling at the range of exotic animals and also discussing how we think it's cruel to keep them confined in such small enclosures, when in the wild the world is their oyster! We went in the lemar walk and i had their tails curling round me, thats when i noticed baby sprout's bottom lip sticking out. I asked ''baby sprout what is wrong, are you not having fun?'' Her reply was this ''well when i came here i was expecting to have the lemars jump all over me and hug me and they are not. And i want to go home as i am not enjoying myself, my legs hurt and it's just not fun without daddy''............. I tried to contain my hurt as i thought we were having fun, so i asked ''why do you want daddy, are you not having fun with me?'' Baby sprout looks at me with utter disdain and replies ''You are boring, next time i want daddy to come''...............
I'm really glad that my seven year old finds me boring! Lol
Next time i'm taking Carrot as he is the fun parent! lol