My buddies the TRUE okies

by Dogpatch 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dogpatch

    "On the Answers in Genesis site, to take one example, Ken Ham published a report about the atheist that Christians love to hate entitled 'Dawkins Ranting in Oklahoma.' The audience was described as 'mind-numbed robots,' and Dawkins' ideas were sarcastically dismissed as communications from 'an extraterrestrial.' Anti-evolutionary religion sites across the Internet make similar claims. But not all the charged-up rhetoric is on the lowbrow backwaters of the Internet. A passage from the 2007 book Oracles of Science: Celebrity Scientists versus God and Religion, compares Richard Dawkins to a 'museum piece that becomes ever more interesting because, while everything else moves forward and changes, it remains the same.'

    I am embarrassed at my fellow okies.


    Dawkins is actually the only TRUE okie, the rest are imposters.

    ...and why do Christians hate Dawkins? OH, it's the attitude!

    now that shows how threatened you feel.

  • NowAndThen

    Excuse me to ask, Dogpatch.

    Do you believe in God, as God in the Bible?

  • Dogpatch

    I am a born-again believer in Jesus Christ since 8 or 9 years old, and it's very real to me. But that's where the buck stops - not into the doctrines of men and councils who vote on what should be Christian doctrine. I wrote this letter in 1993:

    I have always believed in evolution, and do not accept the creation account as fact.


    Almost none of the OT and many of the NT writers are not who they say they are - a well-known understanding of most seminaries and scholars, whether they have the guts to tell their flock or not. The Bible wasan't completed as we know it until at least 400AD, and we still argue over what should be in it.

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