Just for shits n giggles...
Remember when the wandering in the desert Israelites finally pissed off God enough that he declared that they would not get to enter the land of milk and honey?
Notice how it's worded in Deutoronomy 1:34,35:
“All the while Jehovah heard the voice of YOUR words. So he became indignant and swore, saying,‘Not one among these men of this evil generation will see the good land that I swore to give to YOUR fathers...,
Why not use overlapping generations here? Surely out of all those Israelites, more than Joshua and Caleb were obedient. By using an overlapping generation, God could allow some of that generation to proceed on, while others would die before entering.
Yea, you're right, it is stuipid...
But I got the idea from the Watchtower Society...