Reported in today's Sunday Times

by Duncan 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • Duncan

    From this morning's Sunday Times'(London, UK) Review Section:

    "Jane White, of Peacehaven, East Sussex, was so fed up with Jehovah’s Witnesses knocking at her door that she decided to exact an ingenious revenge. She found the nearest Kingdom Hall, where Jehovah’s Witnesses worship, and waited until a service was in progress. Then she beat loudly on the door, waited for somebody to answer, and launched into a long lecture about Nirvana.

    She kept up her talk for 20 minutes, immune to all appeals to go away. Eventually the congregation called the police. A spokesman for the Jehovah’s Witnesses told The Sun: “People only have to say they do not want us to call and we won’t return.”

    The technique has wide applications. Why stop at the Jehovah’s Witnesses? Let’s find out when the managing directors of double-glazing companies are just about to sit down for dinner so we can phone them up and ask if they’re thinking of having new windows installed. Let’s phone BT executives at inconvenient moments..."

    What a hoot... eh?


  • Celtic

    I take my hat off to her, this should become a national initiative.

    Great story.

  • ozziepost

    So they're still calling regularly in Sussex, eh?

    You poms have all the luck! Here in the Great South Land, anecdotal evidence is that a call from the Dubs is a rarity in most areas I know.

    There was a time when you would regularly see a group walking down a suburban street but the past few years (post-'Generation'?) it's become something of a rare sighting. Personally I can't remember the last time I saw a group out witnessing and Mrs Ozzie and I have had one call in 4 years.


    "It's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness."

  • hillary_step

    Thanks Duncan,

    I thought that this was just hilarious.

    I remember many years ago being in a KH when an even more drastic remedy was taken by the Satanic forces of evil worldlings.

    We were sitting one winters night listening to a less than inspiring Instruction Talk dealing with Davids heroic battle against Goliath, when at a crucial moment a bullet was fired through one of the windows shattering it. This first bullet was followed Lee harvey Oswald style by three others. The congregation murmured but did not stir, waiting for instruction. Now remember, these were the days before emergency lighting was required in KH's.

    It took the Brother, a rather dim-witted elder some while to realise that we were actually under attack and he boomed his first ill-fated attempt at handling the crisis by instructing that all the lights be switched off, which they were. His second failure was to instruct the audience to sit still, but without doubt his fatal mistake was to fall off the platform as he dived for cover. All we heard in the audience was a muffled squeak followed by what sounded like somebody trying to catch a nervous chicken.

    So here you have a congregation in pitch-black surroundings, sitting loyally in there chairs when suddenly another tirade of bullets hit, windows shattered and the survival instinct overpowered 'Theocratic Order'. Panic set in. Imagine an avalanche of skin heading for where they last remembered the door was. True 'Dad's Army' stuff.

    It turned out that a couple of the local residents had reached the end of their patience when once again they found their drive-ways blocked in by the faithfull, and resorted to high-powered, self-loading air guns to make their point.

    It worked.

    Take care Duncan - HS

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