had never heard of this site before, but the administrator is redirecting his page to the official WTS site, a condolences page has been left open and I left a cheeky comment , probably will be zapped as I type!
jehovahswitnessnews.wordpress.com is closing
by jookbeard 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Aussie Oz
another site squashed by the legal department i wonder?
For the lost patrons, please suggest on the blog some real websites like freeminds.org to help balance their view on exJWs.
I like to do this but closet apostates find it difficult to expose their e-mail address; it's easier said than done.
Are there alternative but balanced news websites that focus on anything JW, exJW and Watchtower?
Perhaps the Watchtower got it shut down. They do not seem to like even pro-witness sites put up by JW's.
Closing Comments from jehovahswitnessnews.wordpress.com:
There is only one TRUE
and it is found here… JW-MEDIA
My Dear Brothers and Sisters…..
It has been a joy and great privilege to share and express my faith with all of you for the past 19 months.
To express in a few short words what JWN has meant to me is going to be difficult…. Because we know the scene of this world is changing rapidly and after giving this prayerful consideration, I am voluntarily directing this website to JW-MEDIA in order to allow the Faithful & Discreet Slave to continue to be the ONLY source of relevant Jehovah’s Witness news, and to pursue more fully Kingdom Interests. The Faithful Slave needs our undivided attention in this never to be repeated work and I intend to give my full support to the clarion call of the master “to send out more workers into the field” and we would encourage one and all to make the most of this precious time we have left before this system ends and to build ourselves up in our most holy faith…..
You may leave your final comments below…
Love you all,
Closed up just in time for them to get on regular pioneer list, God Bless there souls
Waste your gas driving around to not at homes!
Freeze your butt off in the winter!
Sweat like a mongril in the summer!
Ok, I really need to get off here and get some work done.
When they write ...
Because we know the scene of this world is changing rapidly
... what on earth do they mean? How is the world any worse now than it was in the 1980s when I got sucked in? Those suck-hole comments from braindead supporters make you want to puke.
The WTS is trying to reign in as many JW sites as they can
so the flock won't have a reason to look up JW stuff, and stumble
across apostate sites by accident , they are doing everything they
can short of banning the sheep from the internet.