I went in for a physical, doc said all is fine just lose some weight. My cholesterol was up from 3.8 to 3.9 but all esle was fine....A week later doctor called and said to come in to see him. He said the ecg showed suspicious activity in the heart!! YIKES! He said he was sending me in for a persantine test I did a stress excercise test 2 yrs ago on a treadmill and was sent home , this time he sent me in for this persantine test which apparently shows blood flow around the heart and any blockage..I do have borderline BP. Im about 60 pds over and have eaten too much unhealthy crap but i always try to make up for it with excercise and healty food....
Has anyone ever had this procedure and if so, what is the best case scenario? I think its all stress rellated. I hope im right.