TO THOSE WHO KNOW THE WATCHTOWER IS GUILTY OF DECEITFULNESS, LYING, FALSE PROPHESYING OR RUINING INNOCENT PEOPLE'S LIVES BUT STILL WANT TO STAY ON AS JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES for whatever reason (fear of shunning, a desire to belong to something, the belief that there is nothing better out there, inertia, stupidity, an absurdly ludicrous hope that somehow it still is the one true religion, "just what if they are right"ism - or worse)
Here, in the words of the Watchtower itself, is what will await you - COMMUNITY BLOODGUILT for the evils of the Cult:
"The people must accept responsibility for the nation's acts .. Nations operate according to the principle of community responsibility. Rulers may start wars, but the people fight them. It is upon the people generally, young and old, male and female, that the enemy nation rains destruction, and not upon the wicked rulers. The nations in their wars sow death on the basis of community responsibility .. If the people either actively or passively support what is corrupt and immoral and murderous, do they not bear some responsibility therefore?" - 1952WTWR 06 01 344-5
"For one thing, Pharaoh alone could not have oppressed the nation of Israel or defied Jehovah. That took a mighty organization; and so all who supported Pharaoh in his God-defying and oppressive measures became parties to his crimes.. The common people of Egypt, who, as Pharaoh's willing supporters, had a community responsibility, picture those of humankind today who willingly support Satan's visible organization." - 1965WTWR 06 15 366/369
"Some have not willfully and deliberately done so, but share community responsibility for supporting the spilling of blood in wars." - 1966WTWR 09 15 550
"Another way in which a person can unwittingly become bloodguilty is by reason of the principle of community responsibility. If one belongs to a religious organization that has shed blood in times past, or that may bless those who do shed innocent blood, then by reason of association he would share in its bloodguilt." - 1970AWAK 10 22 28
"We personally may not desire to show disrespect for God's name, but, if we have any religious connection, the question for us to ask ourselves is: Do I belong to a religious denomination that disrespects and defames God's name in these and other ways? Suppose that any of us do. Well, then, we should know the course for us to take if we respect God's name. What? This, namely, to disengage ourselves from sharing in the community responsibility of such a religious denomination before the Bible God" - 1971WTWR 11 01 647
"the clergy of Christendom .. the 'man of lawlessness' .. Of course, what one prominent member of this clerical 'man' does attaches blame to all the other members of the clergy class for their agreeing with what is done or not protesting against it or for acquiescing in it and remaining with the clergy organization. They all share a community responsibility and culpability for what a member of the clergy class does in a representative way as when speaking or acting for the whole group." - 1973GKTY 380-1
"They want no share in the community responsibility for the sins and corruption of politics. They know that the ones who keep clean from such worldly defilements will be the ones whom God will preserve into His new order." - 1973WTWR 11 15 693
"In similar fashion, the modern-day remnant of spiritual Israel had to do some reforming as to their way and thoughts as World War I ended on November 11, 1918, and they entered still alive on earth into the postwar period. Their exile from God's full favor in Babylon the Great's realm was about to end, and it became the proper time for they to think about their failings and shortcomings with regard to God's worship and service. They had come under a community responsibility because of the bloodshed and violence of World War I. They needed to search for Jehovah and to call upon His name in prayer .. During World War I of 1914-1918 B.C.E., some of the remnant of spiritual Israel accepted non-combatant service in the fighting armies, and thus they came under bloodguilt because of their sharing in community responsibility for the blood spilled in war. However, in 1939, the year in which World War II erupted, all the remnant of spiritual Israel and also those of the 'great crowd' of sheeplike companions declared themselved in favor of absolute neutrality toward all worldly conflicts, regardless of nationality. The publication of the article 'Neutrality' in the issue of November 1, 1939, of The Watchtower set forth their position." - 1975MSWD 114/187-8
"Why Will Christendom Not Survive? .. bloodguilty Christendom of today, with her pagan customs, man-made traditions, and mixture of heathen philosophies with Bible teachings, will fare no better than her ancient prototype. She will not escape sharing in the fulfillment of Jehovah's prophecy: 'A great tempest itself will be roused up from the remotest parts of the earth. And those slain by Jehovah will certainly come to be in that day from one end of the earth clear to the other end of the earth. They will not be bewailed, neither will they be gathered up or be buried. As manure on the surface of the ground they will become.' (Jer. 25:32,33) No! Christendom will not survive the impending 'great tribulation.' (Matt. 24:1,2,21,22) Moreover, all the rest of the world empire of false religion will closely follow her into destruction!" - 1979WTWR 08 01 16
"The Scriptures show that if we are part of any organization that is bloodguilty before God, we must sever our ties with it if we do not want to share in its sins. (Rev. 18;4,24: Mic. 4:3)" - 1983UWTG 155
"According to the Bible, when we deliberately put someone's life unnecessarily in danger, we could become bloodguilty. (Compare 1 Chronicles 11:17-19.)" - 1985AWAK 06 22
"bloodguilt .. Truly such bloodguilty ones are not worthy of living half their lives, as David said. (Ps 55:23)" - 1988INS1 0346-7
"It is Satan's earthly organization, his earthly seed. Prominent therein is Babylon the Great, the world empire of false religion.. What a load of bloodguiltiness! As long as Babylon the Great exists, the blood of her victims will cry out for justice.. By the fourth century C.E., that old Serpent, Satan the Devil, had brought forth his masterpiece of deception, the apostate religion of Christendom - a Babylonish system hidden under a 'Christian' veneer. It is the principal part of the seed of the serpent and has developed into a multitude of conflicting sects. Like unfaithful Judah of old, Christendom carries a heavy bloodguilt.. For thousands of years, Babylon the Great has been bloodguilty, and she is a gross fornicatrix.. But her major sins, 'massing together clear up to heaven', are her shocking acts of spiritual fornication - this latter in teaching falsehoods and allying herself with corrupt politicians." - 1988REVE 101-2/272
"Yes, there is such a thing as joint, or community, bloodguilt.. Therefore, the adherents of false religion as well as the supporters and participants in human warfare are bloodguilty before God." - 1995WTWR 11 15 15
So do not say we did not warn you, using the Watchtower's own MUCH-REPEATED words (upon which you still place reliance, and with which we agree, in this instance).
You are heading straight for DESTRUCTION if you stick with the Organization when you suspect her to be false - NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU OTHERWISE LEAD YOUR LIFE...
Think about it.
(Fair Warnings Class)
Edited in accordance with Lisa's findings