If it wasn't for the bOrg, I would have taken up a career that had many conflicts with my dad's cult.
I didn't an option at that age, "Nothing else is to believed under my roof!" was often expounded, along with many other cult mantras.
I had managed to pick up enough from my schools to know that not all was kosher with WT doctrine, and that amimals not eating each other for dinner wasn't way up there with spacemen for Gods/leaders that must be OBEYED, but I was still a psychologist's dream for those psychologists that weren't victims of cults themselves.
I am trying hard to be polite here.
The country I live in is a testament to evolution and creation being normal. We have just had an earthquake. It pushed the Alps up higher
Erosion steals 40mm off our alps every year. Without subduction our alps would erode every year and dissappear. 40mm sounds insignificant but the story doesn't end here. The Australian plate pushes our island higher every year as itslides beneath us and erosion washes the alps back into the sea where the nutrients mix with currents from the arctic and the tropics in an abyss that churnes it all into a nutrient rich environment with sperm whales at the top of that food chain.
My mother rang tonight and, sure enough, earthquakes as a sign was a part of her agenda.
Even though our family has moved to one of the most unstable pieces of earth on our planet, a bit of a shake is a sign of Christ's presence.
I really don't expect amy better from them.
Donald Duck flying off the handle when Hewey, Dewey and Louey pushed him beyond his boundaries is too close to Jehovah getting pissed off with the Juice for my reality TV Comfort Zone.