this may have been touched on already in another post but it seems to me that instead of the org referring to someone as anointed they are now recognizing them as partakers in the watchtower. could this be because of the rise in the number of the little flock they are insinuating some who partake are not chosen? Also the comment at the end of last weeks WT about the faithfull slave and ITS governing body shows how they want to enforce a higher position among the little flock. just a little selfserving
is the org changing anointed to partakers?
by Evidently Apostate 3 Replies latest jw friends
*** w52 2/15 p. 103 par. 6 The Memorial-Are You Entitled to Partake? ***
. Partakers must be alive to discerning the Lord's body and must appreciate what their taking the Memorial emblems means for them. Else they will partake to their judgment.*** w51 1/15 p. 57 par. 4 Partaking in a Worthy Manner ***
All partakers must keenly sense their unity with the Head Jesus Christ in doing God's will.*** w51 1/15 p. 58 par. 6 Partaking in a Worthy Manner ***
Memorial partakers must keep clearly in mind that they are "Christ's body", symbolized by the one loaf, and consequently they must keep unity as "one body".*** w51 1/15 p. 59 par. 10 Partaking in a Worthy Manner ***
"The loaf which we break," suggests one loaf to a congregation, but does not specify the size of the congregation or the number of partakers to be served.*** w54 3/15 p. 176 Celebrating the Lord's Evening Meal ***
PARTAKERS AND OBSERVERS*** w56 1/15 pp. 60-61 par. 19 "One Body" of Partakers ***
. Doing so, they will find themselves in harmony with the remnant of partakers and they will be united with them as "one flock" under Jehovah's one Right Shepherd. -
I think it is a back-handed slight....... all them uppity new partakers keep adding to the numbers every year.....bunch of whippersnappers!
Honestly the WTS should let everyone partake as 'symbolic' and just keep saying the 144, 000 is literal....... most ain't gonna be bothered and all will be praised a 'noo light' and proof the end is near!
Evidently Apostate
thanks for the info wbf. yknot i wonder what the explination will be when the numbers of those partaking keeps climbing?