Some Financial Info Regarding the London Branch.
by Bangalore 7 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Thanks Bangalore - good high level info.
If anyone wants to see the detailed financial statements for the UK - please see the link below:
I thought it interesting that 23% of it's voluntary income came from legacies or 10% of it's total income. Quite a chunk - need to keep looking after those old folk...
Doubting Bro
I wish the US would require this!!
Nice profit - 3.3m pounds in 2009 but lower than the 2008 profits of 5.6m in 2008. I wonder what the ye 8-30-10 will look like? If Britian is indicative of how the rest of the WTS is doing financially, I think they're going to be around a long time. It seems like they're staying ahead at the moment the 2009 voluntary contributions were up from 11.4m pounds to 12.2m. Expenses really jumped but it looks like that's due to buidling a branch or something in Nigeria (a country where they're growing).
Interesting stuff, thanks for the link.
I thought it was interesting that the UK bethel workload of printing has gone up24%
They are now doing the printing for Denmark, Portugal, Holland and Spain.
All countries with little or no growth. Those Bethel boys must get depressed knowing all their work has actually barely made any difference to the number of publishers in those countries.