I don't know if this "thread" belongs in this category or not, but here goes: Jumping the Shark...you've probably heard that phrase before. It was coined back in 1987, when 3 University of Michigan roommates were discussing TV shows, and the discussion turned to when they thought that their favorite classic TV show had finally "gone downhill." One of those students, Sean Connolly, stated that for him, it was easy regarding the popular show "Happy Days". For him, the show went downhill starting with the episode in which Fonzie, played by Henry Winkler, during some water skiing event , jumps over a section of water in a bay, in which there is a shark in the water. He "jumped the shark." That episode, in Sean's opinion, was the defining moment for him, when Happy Days started to go downhill as a TV show. And, since then, the phrase "jumping the shark" has taken on a meaning in popular culture, that a "defining moment" has been reached. A defining moment when you realize that from now on, it's all downhill...it'll never be the same again.
But, thinking about that phrase recently, has gotten me to ask myself a question. When did I realize that my useful years as a productive, contributing, working member of society, of the work force, had finally...jumped the shark? When did THAT event happen? And, believe me folks, my years as a productive member of society HAVE jumped the shark! I honestly believe that. Well, thinking back, for me personally, I think that it happened about 1997 or 1998. About that time, I was working as a document control clerk at an organization in Southern California, that was managing the design of major roadway construction projects here in this part of the state. And, it was about either of those two years, while working, that a thought went through my mind, like a light bulb suddenly coming on, that hey, this is it! I had reached the pinnacle, the ultimate of what I wanted to accomplish in the working world. I began to think to myself, that after this job ends, whenever it DOES end, that's it for me. There is nothing else that I need, or want to accomplish, as far as my working career is concerned, and that I had no all-consuming, burning desire to accomplish anything new or anything different. So, that's when my working years "jumped the shark." It's been all downhill since then. Now, that job DID come to an end in January of 2000. I have remained in the work force since then, and I am right now desparately searching for gainful employment, in this recession. But, I don't bring any passion or enthusiasm into whatever employment that I obtain. Since 2000, I have worked becaue ***I HAVE TO***...not because I WANT to. I remain working out of pure necessity---nothing else.
So, with those thoughts in mind, I ask, How about you, those who come to this site? Has your career "jumped the shark"? Have your years as a productive member of society "jumped the shark"? Or, do you feel that you still have many more years ahead of you as a contributing member of society, and that you have a lot more to contribute? Have you, or have you not, jumped over your own "personal shark" with regards to your working years? I welcome your comments.