Here's a video that shows how they subtly implant the idea that some people in archaeology agree with 607 BCE even though they don't.
Subtle ways they try to tell members their "research" is correct
by OnTheWayOut 4 Replies latest watchtower bible
love that he is still calling the b0rg "the society"
hope it chaps their collective @ssesa very nice, almost understated, argument about
the deceptive devotion the GB has to their errors
about dates, which, if finally accepted as erroneous,
could be the wind that topples their house of cardsnice info otwo, thanks
At least he doesn't sound melodramatic like some other videos I've seen on youtube.
Thank you OTWO.
It is very clever the way they quote the source about something and then just keep talking mentioning
607 as though it is supported by the source. They have done that before.
Very, very sneaky.
Crisis of Conscience
It can only get better for us now. The internet, cameras..........and their continually documented mistakes.
It's just so bothersome that many people can't see it!!
But this site is proof positive that people are waking up. Unfortunately, for the WTS, that means..........
Thanks OTWO!