October KM – non-Christian religions

by wannabefree 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • wannabefree

    I realize that this is pretty much a non-issue, I just found it to be interesting.

    As we know, the Watchtower often uses a qualifier for Christianity by using the term "true Christians", which of course JW's know is synonymous with " Jehovah's Witnesses", all others would be the opposite, or "false Christians".

    October KM, page 2 in the article "New Brochure to Be Offered!", introducing a November campaign to offer the brochure The Bible - What Is Its Message?, mentions in paragraphs one and three people of "non-Christian religions", in a sense, isn't the Watchtower acknowledging that the opposite of non-Christian would be Christian religions?

    I just thought this was interesting, even though it isn't meant to be understood that way.

  • alanv

    Hi wannabefree Yes I guess they could have been clearer about it, but all JWs know what they mean.

    Any chance of a scan or a link to the October 2010 Kingdon Ministry?

  • tenyearsafter

    Maybe they should have used "non-Christendom" religions...I remember how the publications always made a big deal between Christians (JW's) and Christendom (everyone else).

  • wannabefree
    Maybe they should have used "non-Christendom" religions

    That is exactly right! Subtle word changes to emphasize the positve instead of negative, associating Jehovah's Witnesses with the term "true Christians" instead of using "Christendom" as a negative. Perhaps "the society" still uses the term Christendom as they used to, but for some reason, the term "true Christians" sticks in my mind as having become very common somewhat recently. Of course, my awakening could be distoring this perception.

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