I Will Sit No More Forever ...

by compound complex 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    I will shout and cheer, for The Star Spangled Banner, for La Marseillaise ...


  • Gayle

    I stand proudly and with full respect now for many years!

    That was beautiful and awesome. Thank you for sharing!

  • clarity

    Co Co, thank you for that .... more than words can say!

    When Sandi Patty sang the Star Spangled Banner... my feelings were not of a political bent while she sang, it was just all beauty, and an open heart. What a great voice!

    When I was a Kid, the National Anthem was heard often. I didn't care even if we were sitting down to supper ... when the Anthem or God save the King was being played on the radio ... my chair was pushed back, and a skinny little Canadian kid stood up at attention! lol


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks so much, dear Gayle and clarity, for your heartfelt words, including personal experience.

    I heard the tape of this performance years ago. Now, both to hear and to see - transcendent!

    I hope you'll enjoy my next entry.

    Love and best wishes,


  • compound complex

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