As I have mentioned on this topic this is what makes me hesitate from leaving the WT.I also know that some people on this board wait for the ideal circumstances to make their way out of this fucking religion.My life is horrible now,I can't even think how I am going to stand being around JW's for the next few years..Oh sweet freedom!The time draws nigh as I will tell them:"FUCK YOU ALL!!!"'s good.
Looking forward to the day that I will finally leave...
by XPeterX 7 Replies latest jw friends
There will never be an ideal time to leave, especially if you have close family members still in. So do what is best for you and do it now. You are wasting some good years living for others feelings.
I used to think it would be the worst thing in the world to be DF'd because the Org was all I knew I was raised a JW and kept away from everything a child would want like everyone else. I hid all my wrongdoing because I was afraid of being caught and hearing my name read from the platform. Well it finally happened and my only regret is that I didn't have enough courage to walk away when I was a young teenager and not a 30 something man. When I had time to reflect on it I came up with this think about it. You ever hear stories of women who were severely abused by their husbands/boyfriends? Their stories are all the same first they were isolated from family and close friends made to think they were unworthy and deserving of all the mental turture and when they thought about leaving the firs tthing that comes to mind is what will I do I have noone to turn to. I severed all ties to anyone who would care. Stay no part of the world even keep contact with nonbelieving family to a bare minimum. However the threat hanging over your head at all times is to be thrown out to that very same world that you've been tought to shun all those years. Don't educate yourself dont strive for a high paying job get a job cleaning toilets part time so you can pioneer. Now you have to stay in the organization and depend on the kindness of brothers and sisters to give you a couple bucks whenever they feel sorry for you or give you a hand me down coat when they buy themselves a new one because how in the hell are you going to make it on your own working part time cleaning toilets with no education and no work history.
Why wait? Get a plan and do it. What can happen, are you going to drop dead? will be hard and your mind will go crazy trying to figure it all out. But you will get there. TIME HEALS ALL WOUNDS. (mostly....I think). It did mine. Does it make things perfect, no, I still have to go to work, and cut my grass and cook and clean, but my life is FREAKING FABULOUS. I am not rich, I have problems like everyone else, but not having the crazy fear and guilt, and being able to be somewhat normal feels wonderful. This sentence I am about to type changed my life. I heard it from the marriage counselor that basically made it ok for me to "Be my authentic self." Being my authentic self for ME made me feel absolutely free. I was no longer living a life for other people so as to not dissapoint them. If it meant losing out on their love, then I never had their love in the first place. I found familial love in ways that I never knew existed after that. PM me if you ever need a pep talk. I am a fan of the just stop going to meetings and blow them off if they try and talk to you method. But you do what you have to do. Hang in there darling!
little witch
Put on Your Man Britches, and high tail it outa there Son.
What are you waiting for, things to get easier?
XPeterX, you need to suck it up- tell'em, "Frankly, My dear JWs, I don't give a damn about you, your KH or your friggen crap religion anymore!"
Who cares what they think-- You are are man, so act like one, even , if your wardrobe could use some help.
Living a lie is hell. I did it for several years, and while I have hardships now, just like anyone, I no longer think of killing myself on a daily basis because of the misery brought on by that life. As Martha Stewart would put it, "It's a good thing."
P.S. ---- I can't stand Martha Stewart, but I couldn't think of a better way to say it.