We were told to "be more generous" and that we should stop criticising the elders on how they handle matters.(The next week a JW got DF'd)
Any weird/funny local needs in your congo?
by XPeterX 8 Replies latest jw friends
Best one we ever had was about controlling sexual urges, especially if you are gay!
The same meeting a brother was DF'd - wonder why that could be?
Mickey mouse
We had some really inappropriate and sexually explicit local needs talks about sex. Apparently all the youngsters were doing it and I think the PO was pissed off he wasn't getting any.
We had one on wife swapping.
troubled mind
One on personal hygiene A hall full of adults were instructed how to shower daily and not use perfume to cover odor .......we all suffered through this talk because one elderly sister had a BO problem . I was so embarrassed for her ! Really shouldn't another sister be used to kindly speak to the woman in private ?
Another one was on how to keep our home ,car and service bag clean and orderly . Our yard should be the best in the neighborhood ! REALLY ....? When did we have time to manicure our lawns with all our free time from work spent in service or meetings . The house thing was because we had a sister that was a hoarder and her home was packed full .
We had a hall full of young teens so there was always talks about porn and dating , smoking ,and drinking .......
Did anyone else cringe everytime it was time for the local needs talk or did you look forward to it so you would finally know why so and so was DF'd ??
We had one on large gatherings every other week. Apparently the reasoning was "Bro. so and so was going and hes and elder". Apparently there were Jehovah Witnesses weekend at some hotels that the witnesses started losing control and engaging in loose conduct. Thats the most reoccuring one.
A funny local needs was Gossip. Everyone knew they where talking about Sister Dick.(that is her name). She wasn't in out cong. she was in the other one. One little girl raised her hand and ask why Sis. Dick got a talk just for her.
Local needs talk on how to hold a microphone when giving talks/demos at the k/hall or ASSemblies. Most anal brother gave it (later came out he forgot he had the talk so had 5 minutes to "come up with a theme"... Showed up how unorganised the whole body was. He stretched the bloody thing out for 20 minutes....
I can remember the time we had a local needs talk because people were setting little fires in the bathroom. The talk was about respecting the Kingdumb Hell, and doing things like writing graffiti and setting little fires in the bathroom was not showing respect. Now, maybe if the boasting sessions weren't so damn boring, people would not be setting fires and writing graffiti on the walls.
I heard this from a good friend of mine, they gave a talk on "beastiality" in their KH. To be a fly on the wall trying to figure out who has a dog or large animal. lol