Where was it in 1600s or in Columbus' day? Not here? And if it was here where did it go, or was it "new lighted" into something else? This whole religion is based on the interpretation of these two. They were the ones who were unsatisified with what they were being taught yet if someone does that today let them be marked as apostate, worldy, siding with Satan, opposing jerkovah and any other "taking the ball and going home" kinda thing. Doctor Emmett Brown REALLY needs to get on the ball making that time machine, and I need a phase plasma rifle with 40 watt range..... Ok that's a little dark but yeah, I just have to wonder where dubs/idea of jerkovah/earthly channel/WTS would be without these two dumb asses.
Where was "gods Earthly channel" before Rutherford and Russell?
by Vachi 8 He Is 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Good question.
Ironically , the ONE and Only arguement clear enough to destroy any honest JWs faith is the one arguement that the JWs avoid altogether.....unless they are lying about it like in the 1960 WT, and 1981 WT, where they say that when Jesus chose russells group he didnt leave it to a novice organization BUT he chose the 1800 yr old slave class!!!!!!!!! an out right misleading statement that boggles the mind. Russell came to his opinions by way of independent research and with the Adventists.
THE ONLY way the Society can EVER avoid this whole arguement, and put a rest to it , is to say that the 1800 yr old faithful and discreet slave class was an Idea, or concept, or "surviving ministry" that russell adopted....which would raise other questions so i guess theyre screwed....
Where was it in 1600s or in Columbus' day? Not here? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Correct! According to Russell, there could not have been a governing body or faithful slave class before Russell arrived on the scene. Why? Because Russell said: "As a result, there was no Bible study for fourteen hundred years. No wonder the "faith once delivered to the Saints" was lost.Now we are returning to the Bible." See page 5, paragraph 1 under the heading, "The Photo-Drama of Creation- Part Three." Here: http://www.heraldmag.org/olb/contents/russell/PDRMAPRF.PDF Russell says, "Now" we are returning to the Bible." Meaning, in Russell's time frame. If the Watchtower believes there was a governing body, or a faithful slave class present on earth from the time of the apostles to the present year, then they were a class of people who were not studying the Bible according to Russell. The "faith" was lost, so there could not have been any channel. http://www.imagger.com/uploads/641889_scan0001.jpg N.
The view is that it was there even if they cant trace it. I have heard of several obscure cults through the ages thay point to and say that could have been the line. More garbage to try to bolster more garbage.