I woke up this morning wondering what any elders who frequent this site would do if they were asked to part of a Judicial commitee to disfellowship an apostate.
How would you handle it?
Has it happened to you?
no deep reason why, just wondering!
by Aussie Oz 9 Replies latest jw friends
I woke up this morning wondering what any elders who frequent this site would do if they were asked to part of a Judicial commitee to disfellowship an apostate.
How would you handle it?
Has it happened to you?
no deep reason why, just wondering!
There was a recent thread which covered this Aussie Oz ...
Loz x
I would serve on it and vote to not DF. I think that I could make a strong enough case to the other elders that the person has "doubts and should be snatched out of the fire". Peter had doubts, Thomas had doubts, Jonah had issues/doubts, Habakkuk had doubts, that they all publicly expressed.
CTR would be DFed now for apostasy, as would JFR. If in 1994 I believed that the generation of Matt. 24:34 was the anointed I would have been DFed. Or if in 1972 I took a liver transplant I would have been DF'd. This religion is so full of moving targets its not funny.
Every DF form has a question that asks if the decision is unanimous. There would not be a unanimous decision with me on the Committee. In fact I would do everything I could do to swing the case the other direction through softball questions.
The fact that we have active elders here makes for interesting observations in the human decision making process. I have a friend who can't seem to make a difficult decision in advance, but he waits until his proactive options are gone, leaving him with only one shitty result. I think some people really want to get kicked out of the KH, rather to leave under their own steam. Maybe, the WT has been calling the shots for so long that their brain has a weakened ability to decide for itself.
If one of our resident elders was asked to do a JC, I am pretty sure they would find a good excuse to get out of it.
Stuck: Or if in 1972 I took a liver transplant I would have been DF'd.
Hey, I brought this up in my JC and the crazy old elder (the one who claimed all the biblical flood victims would all be resurrected) says it was never a DF'ing offense. I told him that it appeared to be pretty cut and dried, equating it with cannibalism. He said, "yeah, but they wouldn't disfellowship you for it." I asked if they would disfellowship you for cannibalism and he said yeah but those are two different things. Perfect circle, see?
I need to look that up and see. Don't mean to hijack, but if anyone has a personal experience with transplants prior to 1980 as a JW, I'd like to hear it.
Word games. They easily forget since all relating evidence i.e. letters could be destroyed as a matter of simple policy. On top, keeping up with present thruth, taking a prohibited blood treatment is no longer a df-ing offense. It is assumed you have forfeited your place in the cong and have stepped back: Da-ed yourself.
I am still guilt ridden for the one aposatcy case I was on.
Stuckinamovement, your one vote against would probably not count, the guidance in the flock book is crystal clear on apostacy.
Many have commented that being disfellowshipped was good for them. So is it possible that the liberal elder who votes against disfellowshipping for apostasy is actually not doing them any favours? A complicated situation.
Besides are there many active elders left on this site? Many that were elders when they first arrived at the site are no longer elders.
I need to look that up and see. Don't mean to hijack, but if anyone has a personal experience with transplants prior to 1980 as a JW, I'd like to hear it.
Ask Coffee_Black she has had experienced this with her father.
I was not asked I was told I along with all of the other elders were sitting on the case.
Search my recent posts and that of poster donuthole... I was an elder on his apostasy JC case.... no way out of it.
Snakes (Rich )