Trouble downloading Franz-govbody1975.mp3 on freeminds

by pirata 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • pirata

    I'm trying to download the Fred Franz's 1975 Gilead Talk from Free Minds, but it does not download properly (It's supposed to be a file called Franz-govbody1975.mp3, with a files size of 27.44MB, but I only get a 184KB 30 second file when I download it). Is anyone able to download this succesfully from this page?

    The heading for the download is:Fred Franz rejects "Governing Body" idea at 1975 Gilead Graduation

  • blondie

    Have you tried checking with Randy Watters the webmaster on Freeminds?

  • JWoods

    Rather ironic that Freddy was more worried about the idea of a "Governing Body" in 1975 than he was over his own failed prophecy, eh?

    Just saying -

  • Dogpatch

    try it again... our servers in Utah went bonkers yesterday. I just tried it and it worked fine.


  • pirata

    Thanks Randy. I'll give it a try again.

  • oppostate

    You can also purchase the mp3 of the talk with Ray Franz's comments about his uncle's discourse at:

    The CD is sold out but you can still download it on Mp3

    mp3 audio file: $4.50

    (A copy of 1975 discourse by F. W. Franz, with observations by R. V. Franz), 60 minutes, available in three formats: cassette tape, compact disc, or directly downloadable as an MP3 audio file (13.7 MB), suitable for playback on computer or portable mp3 playback device (such as iPod).

    The significance of this talk in the history of the organization of Jehovah’s Witnesses is spelled out in Chapter 4 of the book "Crisis of Conscience". The voice recording not only verifies that presentation but audibly and vividly makes evident the intensity of the power struggle within that organization at the time of the talk.

  • pirata

    In the end, IE just wouldn't work, but FireFox downloaded it no problem.

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